Simucube 2 firmware downgrade

Downgrading is not possible for all firmware, nor is it well-tested, and we are not promising that this option will be working properly for all future versions.

You might loose all settings; please save the profiles_autobackup.ini file for later settings import if that happens.

  1. In the old version you want to downgrade to, create a shortcut of True Drive.exe.
  2. In the shortcut properties, in target field, add word fwdowngrade to the end of the field. For example, the field could read as follows:
    "C:\Users\UserName\Downloads\Simucube_2_True_Drive_2020.1\Simucube 2 True Drive.exe" fwdowngrade

and pictured here:

  1. Use the shortcut, it will pop up the firmware update prompt and the bundled firmware package will be installed.

42 posts were split to a new topic: Simucube 2 release 2020.3 grainy feel issue


For 2021.11 and later versions, the True Drive will automatically always install the firmware that is bundled within the True Drive, so downgrading from e.g. 2021.12 to 2021.11 is by downloading the 2021.11 installer, installing that, and running True Drive.

Downgrading to 2021.9 or earlier will require

  1. Uninstall 2021.11 (or any later installed version) from Windows
  2. Unzip 2021.9 (or earlier)
  3. use the downgrade shortcut.