SimuCUBE Open Source Firmware Development Update Thread

Hello Mika,

I’m new here but old in your Simcube program. Great Work … really.
One question : Is it possible to assign some simucube function (rotation, dumping, friction, …) to keyboard, button box, button wheel ? It would be a great new feature for me/us/community ? In that way, i can modify the setting when i drive directly into the game …

Best regards.


Not possible at the moment, and not high on the list of features to do to the Configuration Tool.

I have been thinking about how to implement a simple way to increase/decrease the force level via buttons connected to the SimuCUBE button inputs.

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Thanks for your answer Mika.
In that way … Fanatec do an incredible job … and you can modify a lot of function (rotation, dumping, friction, …) when we drive directly into the game … I was thinking it would be a really a great features if it is in the Simucube for 4 functions (degrees rotation wheel, damping, friction, spring).

Other thing : In the profile, it is possible to have an another button “Update profiles from file” ?

Again thanks for the great work for the cummunity.


Just to clarify - this latest release has centering issues with SinCOS and requires that center point is manually reset most times?
If so, I’ll wait on the next update as 0.97 has been quite good to me.

Only thing that is still an issue with 0.97 is that I cannot allow my wheel to pass the index point (in my case about 25 degrees left of center) during phasing as this will result in misaligned wheel in relation to virtual wheel - I use manual index as auto is problematic.
I just make sure that my actual wheel is slightly right of center before powering on and phasing as that will always miss the index point and then I just manually turn the wheel left and find the index point. This works 100%

The slight issue is likely within the latest IONI firmware, and we are investigating it.

the Import profiles button loads all the profiles from the simucubeprofiles.ini file.

I have yet to find time to implement file selection dialog for both the export and import, but that should be coming soon :slight_smile:

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This is mainly due to console compatibility where users do not have access to proper configuration user interface. But your suggestion is noted.

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Thanks Mika.

Sounds like something we could help with when the open source repo appears :slight_smile:

I can confirm when reverting to an old Win10 build, the issue goes away. So I guess Redmond changed something in the latest build. It was completely unusable.

I can report that I’ve been running with the latest Windows 10 patches, and I’ve had no issues, not at home nor at the office either.

newest windows 1803 here and no problems.

I am using the auto setup function you added in the last update. Is it my imagination or does it make the ffb feel more direct. No issues either so far with the update in AC,R3E AND P CARS2.

What auto-setup function?

I haven’t tried disabling XHCI yet but what I did was enable Nvidia surround since I wasn’t using it at the time. Once I enabled Nvidia surround, the problem was resolved even while keeping GSync enabled and didn’t have to reboot.

Very weird.

With BiSS-C absolute encoder, one can now setup IONI so that phasing is not required at startup. However, SimuCUBE firmware does not yet take advantage of the absolute position, that is still under work.

Setup of the commutation sensors should not have any effect on the ffb feel.


So yesterday was fine.

Today I’m getting disconnects again:

USB stack was reset due to being stuck busy : 2
USB stack was reset due to being stuck busy : 2
USB stack was reset due to being stuck busy : 2

What do you need from me to try and debug this Mika? The wheel is completely unusable with disconnects every other minute.

Is this with 0.9.8 or 0.9.9?

It’s with 0.9.9 open beta.

Worked perfectly with 0.9.9 pre3 and open beta. Upgraded to 1803, had disconnects tried 0.9.9 pre3, still disconnects, then reverted to 1708 and ran fine with 0.9.9 open beta all yesterday, and now the disconnects are back.

What other USB devices do you have? Could you post a screenshot of the Device Manager. Select View -> Show Devices by Connection and find all your USB devices. I’ve attached an example image of my system here.