Simucube 2 True Drive Paddock Early Access

I do not know. I know that the image is not from the first production batch, but a prototype.

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Is it true that only Tero can work on FW side filters and your job is mostly UI?
At least I remember you posting that Tero is busy with other project thus delay on new Recon.
Can also explain why in the meantime resources were channeled to Paddock instead of more critical functional features.

Hi, good morning @Mika.
Sorry for the question as it may seem imbecile, how are new firmwares available?
I have an Ultimate from Oct/2020.

Just download the latest release, launch it and the firmware update will pop up.

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Not true.

Paddock was considered the most critical feature judging by the help and support needs that our resellers got from first time users that do not want to tinker with settings. Also, the firmware was a bit difficult to understand due to code being complex and very difficult to extend. Thus we have also rewritten the code in the firmware almost completely, and this enables us to be more effective (not as steep learning curve) for future development.


Not sure if this was that post on Tero focusing on Recon 2.

Focus on new first time users is important, but not at the expense of making life more difficult for others, after all most of the advanced users tuning own profiles are long time loyal company customers some even from OSW days.
And again, “new first time user” is just a temporary state.

With very few changes by making online mode completely optional and the ability to use and easily edit local profiles you can perfectly cater for both.
That online or bust stance is just a perfect way to aggravate people same as coerced vaccination.


It must be remembered that GD is a company, and as such it needs new clients to sustain and grow.
In my case, in 2019 I was a new user, I had to invest many hours of reading both in this forum and in others to understand how to use the filters, to be able to know how to make them to my liking. Today, I do not use the online mode because I already have what I need and I am satisfied, but this new mode in 2019 would have been very good for me.
On the other hand, I feel that from 2019 to today little or nothing has changed in terms of the use of filters and the appearance of new ones.


The Paddock mode is just more modern, not any more difficult. It is as difficult as you want to make it, though, if you want to resist online registration and such modern things.

Hello, I just updated the new True Drive version and iRacing crashes randomly. Is anyone experience something similar? Never had a crash before (clean installation a month ago)

Edit: Simucube 2 Pro V2

What type of crash is it? Is Simucube still functional after a crash?

iRacing crashes. True Drive software and Simucube still working like a charm. It started just after installing the new version of True Drive (maybe it’s a coincidence, but no more changes on my PC were done).

@Andrew_WOT I’ve been thinking about this and I think reconstruction filters serve a transitional purpose but likely have limited or no long term use.

A few years back, ALL sim racing FFB signals was geared towards belt drives. It seems that some of the best work in the early days was in the ‘reconstruction’ filtering that attempted to rewrite a signal meant for a belt drive into one that would give a similar or pleasing experience on direct drives.

With ready to run direct drive wheels entering mainstream adoption now, the user base of direct drive wheels is high enough that all studios are now coding FFB to direct drive wheels. It won’t be long before the need for reconstruction is a thing of the past.

That said, I think simplifying the new user experience makes sense, as a new user myself, Paddock was definitely a feature I looked forward to.

@Mika is there a way to reference an online profile in a blog post?
ie, is there a URL that can be shared, that when clicked will open truedrive up to that profile.
I’m thinking of similar systems like github desktop, where you can click a link on github, that opens the github desktop app, and passes in the needed info to magically clone a specific repo - whatever that mechanism is that lets the url link in the browser launch the desktop app and communicate the url to it.

I could see this being helpful for many enthusiests forums/discords/blogs/videos, where someone might do a review of profiles they like with links to each one.

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@Mika I’ve updated nvidia driver and the problem is gone. I’ll let you know if it happens again

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This feature is on the ideas list. It is a good idea, but it requires to have an installer (and autoupdater maybe) for True Drive, so one can register for example simucube2truedrive:// URL handler that would pop up True Drive directly.

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Having to register for this Paddock stuff isn’t that big of a bother to me.

What’s far more worrying is the huge increase of posts over the last 10 months stating that something that was working has now broken after a firmware update.

All that’s happened during this transition is that GD has swapped customer requests for FFB profiles into customer requests to help them get their wheelbase working again.

That’s not progress.


Yes, that is very unfortunate and regrettable, but we managed to get the firmware on a solid ground again for this 2021.8 release. The issues of non-working wheelbases (not starting properly or some FFB resets when driving or such) were caused by really unexpected thing - a behavior we surely weren’t expecting, and were looking for the fault from the wrong place. We had to experiment with a few testers during the last few weeks that were suffering with the issue to get the data…

I completely understand that there’s no possible way that you would ever had intended to introduce any faults into the updates and don’t ever doubt your commitment toward fixing those issues. Sorry if my post came across as being overly harsh :slightly_smiling_face:

Looking in from the outside with no insider knowledge of what goes on, I still can’t see how the introduction of Paddock has given GD or yourself any resources back.

This is purely a guess but surely you’ve had to spend more time on the above issues than you would have by directing new users to this forum for profiles and FFB settings advice.

At the moment I still have the same viewpoint that I had after the initial announcement. If Paddock is only to be a profile sharing service then I think it will have been a waste of your expertise and talent.

Going by the hints you gave earlier though, it should turn out to be more than that and I really hope it does turn out to be something worth your time and effort as I’d be willing to give it a try at that point in time.


Mika, is it really 2021.8 or something that is coming in the future?
Based on your post here, USB fix is only getting ready for testing and adaptive current measurements that was disabled is only a temporary thing.
That doesn’t sound like “solid ground” with all things sorted out to me.


USB fix is already in (all changes were reverted).

But we have reimplemented the changes on a new version of the ST Microelectronics USB library which seems to have fixed the issues. This was done in the Firmware 2.0 project that is soon in testing.

Namely, the new feature is a composite USB device with the game controller AND a serial port interface on the processor. The serial port will enable us to pipe all kinds of data to the device…