Steering Wheels of the SC2 Community

Does anybody who keeps up to date on the latest happenings know if any wheel maker has plans on replicating the new Audi Evo II?

I’d take out a bank loan to have one of these :slightly_smiling_face:


You and I both :joy:

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Maybe this guy is helpful:

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Ok i got Ascher B24L due i started to play RBR and bought round rim which now goes with gt3/tcr/and rally cars. Speaking frankly ascher shifters are more “clicky” but nothing a lot better than polsimer f74led wheel. Buttons or 7way funky switch i was totally happy on F74 polsimer and are almost the same as on Ascher B24L (ascher buttons also more “clicky”) Normally i will sell my polsimer F74 Led wheel as now i play only with one rim, cause you have to map buttons in iR so it is not so simple to change wheels on the fly. So if you need just cheap button plate with out wireless go easy with polsimer!

IMO Wireless wheel is mandatory for rallyes, good choice with that Ascher plate

Looks like my ultra wide monitor above the steering column is not a thing in real rally racing, and USBs are not mandatory likely

Correct, and neither is wireless of course. I didn’t see many complaints about wireless wheel connection problems as they once were. And if we compare the total number of them to the absolute number of Simucubes out there the ratio will be surprisingly small. The killer fact to not use wireless wheels is the absence of dual clutch and the hard limit of buttons/rotaries and displays of course.
Simucube wireless is basically an encrypted Bluetooth device, so wheels won’t work with another DD (I myself won’t go anywhere but Simucube 2 but I saw posts here where people were flirting with this possibility, which would make their wheels useless then. Correct me when I am wrong).
Bluetooth in general tends to lag, lag occuring out of the blue.
Back to the story, seems I lost the point. You wrote that wireless is “mandatory”, it isn’t

IMO = in my opinion

Wireless or buttonless, but no tangled cables on my rig when rallying

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I fully understand you! I just have a slightly different opinion. It’s s not that I see yours as rubbish, not at all. And I miss interpreted the “IMO”, sorry for this. I understood it as: “Imo I think wireless is mandatory for rally” instead of “my preference is clearly wireless when it comes to rally”.
I’m Swiss, my first language is Swiss German aka farmers German (where in this context “farmers” stays for poor/simple). It’s only spoken although used in texting. There are no grammatical rules for it and has a crazy number of variations which can even be different withing short distances from 30 kilometers. Neither Germans nor Austrians do understand more than a word here and there. Again, sorry for the trouble I caused.

I dont know if can post here but if somebody is interesting for formula style rim i sell my Polsimer F74 LED edition can ship to EU - pm me if interested will agree price :wink:

WRC titles 9 and 10 are accepting 2 shifting devices AT THE SAME MOMENT! Great entertainment and very demanding!

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When I first heard swiss german from tv (sport magazin or something) I thought that this must be the almost extinct romansh language. My colleagues just laughed and said that is the language 2/3 of the nation speaks :slight_smile: Grüezi!

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Swiss German:

Hey, Hallo! Nei, esch es ned. Eifach e zemlech grobi Schprooch :gorilla: met vel “ch”. Zom Bischpeel Chochichäschtli!!

English translation:
Hey, hello! No, it’s not. Just a rather rough language :gorilla: with a lot of “ch”. For example Chochichäschtli!!
That means a small cupboard in the kitchen :rofl::rofl: and the ch’s are from the very back of the mouth. Very hard and strong, totally different from German ch, French can’t pronounce an H, in English it’s more tsch like in kitchen…:grin: But Grüezi is very nice!! It’s a shorter "I greet you " Ech grüesse Sii

PS: Rumantsch is close to Catalan language. Only a very small part of Swiss are speaking this, 0.5% (it is 1 of 4 official languages). Swiss German 60%, French 23% Italian 8% and others 23% (25% of the population are foreigners/people without Swiss citizenship)

Hi All, first post. I’ve had my SC2 sport 6 months and finally put my second wheel together. First wheel is a Cube formula sport. However this is a Fanatec Podium 911 GT3 Cup in leather matched to a Simline GT3-R wireless button plate with a funky switch.


Any recommendation for a wheel or button box with near-silent paddles (or at least on the quieter side)? Right now I’m using an NSH-Racing wheel with Ascher paddles, and the paddles are too noisy for the rest of the family.

Has anyone tried the SRB Ultra Competition wheel?

Thank you.

Very silent and of good quality are the Fanatec wheels/paddles. You can convert them using a conversion kit from simracingmachines ( or buy already converted wheels from them (

I did the conversion myself and found it easy and fun to do.

Thank you. I was looking for wireless, but I’ll keep that in mind.

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VPG made a new steering wheel, the Stealth:

Ordered Thursday from SRB, received today (2 days earlier than expected). I’m still amazed that it takes less than 3 days for a sim steering wheel to get from Slovenia to the US (East coast).

The shifters are very quiet, which is what I was looking for. Now I just need to get used to the smaller diameter (300 vs 320).