Steering Wheels of the SC2 Community

from which seller did you buy…?

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I’m in the UK and did reach out to the official simagic distributor ‘Abruzzi Racewear’ who promised me a price a couple of times but never materialised.

So I purchased off through a forwarding service called (taobao don’t directly ship to the UK).

Despite all that it still came in slightly cheaper than what Abruzzi charges for the non-carbon model :+1:t2:

Just a question, It is posible to pair 2 or more SC2 Wireless devices and use them at the same time?

On the hardware side it would be possible, but no software support in the firmware nor in the True Drive for pairing many devices at once.

We will add such support if practical use of that is needed.

I was thinking on a seq/H Shifter with button box, paired with the wheel.
And, if future updates allows us to map analog axis, wireless pedals would be awesome!

More practical than this?

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nice, cannot wait for your version w/ stickers:) I recently received the same one, thx for the truedrive image :slight_smile:

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lol it’s kinda hard to buy osw version, even in China only one out three offical? sellers has it (there are persons in group chat has access to it). I assume this is due to the low number of requests comparing to the cheaper simagic version gt4

When you get the wheel (out of the box…) the washers are moving freely inside of it making a very loud rattling noise. When everything is mounted and tightened every noise or abnormal sound should disappear ^^

If I can ever decide where to put the stickers I’ll post a new image :slight_smile:

Hope your as happy with this rim as I am, love the crisp but quiet shifters, clutch paddles, 300mm width and rubber grips.
Mine also works with raceroom unlike others have reported on racedepartment.

Where did you purchase from?

Hi, how did you fix your phone like that please

Hi, its a 3d printed mount I purchased from a chap on facebook, Darren Fellows. He’s a member of both Sim-lab Owners and Simucube Owners Group. It simply press fits over the hex bolts and with a strip of double sided 3m tape added its absolutely rock solid.
We modified his original design as I wanted it mounted this low so the display is clearly visible through a normal round rim.


Thanks mate ! Was thinking going for triple screen along with my vr setup and I was look for solution to mount my phone.

I’m a little annoyed that Simucube still hasn’t announced the button box that it keeps teasing. I’m probably going to buy my first real wheel combo this weekend and I hate the feeling that I could be missing out on something great. :frowning:

I get what you are saying, but it’s not like there aren’t already great button plates out there like Ascher racing, Turn, or SimRacingBay ones. those will probably satisfy your needs completely and make not care about any other button plate that comes out.

It took a while but my GSI GXL arrived this week. Absolutely in love with the chunky grips!


congratulations, waiting for your opinion and review. hi

I was in the same boat but decided to get the Ascher B16L-SC to go with my Ascher F28SC,only got yesterday but happy so far. I would only be disappointed if the Simucube one had a direct connect like the Fanatec wheels instead of wireless, but saying that I haven’t had any issues with current wireless wheels from Ascher.

Hello mate!
I just ordered the same gear for my SC2 Pro yesterday from various sources: B16L-SC from KW, OMP Superquadro from Amazon and the SC2 QR with the premium stop button I wanted (the original plastic one was somewhat broken, so…) from Augury (who supplied my Batch 2 SC2 pro a while back ^^).
I have just one question since my actual F1/GT wheel is a Simulaje F1S: do you think I’ll need to add a spacer between the Ascher BB and the SC2QR or not?


PS: love the Warthog btw :wink: (or is it the F16?)

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More niche than that, its VirPil gear

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@Alfye20 Nice!, Can you show more details of how you have the throttle and stick mounted? I’d like to do something similar. Thanks