Great review Barry…
Thanks for the kind words guys.
I do agree that now the OSW is the way to go for the most bang for your buck. I am going to work on getting
my own SimCube/Mige setup for testing different FW’s as they become available. Also going to see about
getting some Kollmorgen cables made for my 52AKM. It has Leo’s spec’d encoder in it, so may not be workable, but interesting to try it. If not, just have to source another Kollmorgen that will work with the SimCube Ioni configuration. End of the day it’s about keeping up with the latest developments and having fun with the results.
Glad you like it. Have sold quite few now.
Good to see you are onboard with the OSW project. Ive been Building them since the Argon Days. now days they are far more refined and the development continues.
Your Bodnar Kollmorgen uses a SFD and unfortunately that is not compatible with the simucube ( I Wish it Was )
I currently have a AKM42 and AKM44 here that i want to try so i can compare them to the big mige and small mige and tiny mige i also have all with various encoders ( 7 or 8 Servos and who knows how many encoders) . the thing i love about the OSW is the vast combination of equipment you can use and the diffence the settings can make. I recently worked with an professional Race car driver and helped him set up his Small Mige with a 40000CPR encoder. we got it to a point that he Happy to the have the Feeling in the Wheel very similar to his race car. Until we set it up for him he was worried he wasted his money. The OSW is only as good as the set up and components used.
I’d Just like to say welcome along for the Ride and any questions ask the people here usually have a solution.
Hi Barry,
Big fan of your reviews as a subscriber to your channel. Keep up the good work you are a pleasure to watch.
Hi Barry
I saw you have enable Center Frequency (Hz) and set this value to 8.
Why this value? and how you measuring how many attenuation value should apply to?
Have tested your settings on my small Mige, the feeling is changed with my original, curious how you decide on these settings?
Simucube does not have Resolver support, but I think you can have quite close results with a Biss type encoder for Kollmorgen. ıf you can make a back to back testing of these two (maybe add Mige in the mix aswell) that would be one epic comparison video. You may also call some guys for multiple opinnions like you did few years back. I guess everybody wants to see this
Good to see you here, Barry, been a while since you got your hands dirty with OSW stuff.
Cheers for the review, nicely done and very informative to potential buyers. Wrt the EMI stuff, this hasn’t been an issue since the SimuCUBE came on the scene, I have extensively tested both SS2 and OSW back-to-back, happy to say if you get a decent kit (like Tomo’s/HRS) you’re off to a good start.
Anyway, If you need help with pin-outs etc to wire up an AKM to the simucube, drop me a message, I have played a lot with these lately, and it is again another step up vs the Mige servos.
As mentioned above, the feedback device on the std Bodnar SS2 is a SFD, not compatible with supported protocols on the simucube, it is electrically incompatible, similar scenario as EnDat (simplified version)
But you can find quite many 2nd hand AKM’s on Ebay that will have EnDAT encoders with a secondary (SinCos) output, like the one I used in my Bogeyman servo - an awesome solution for a very good price
Greeting from Finland, chat later again!
sorry wrong thread. Cheers
trust me barry try these settings!
Use TBW unlimited with firmware 0.9.4 and above !!!
And i advise rcon 5 as a Base to start with.
All the rest is the same as in the video!
Thanks for the details in IRacing.
Have you also the same for rFactor?
Or do you nog using that Sim ?
There are multiple videoes on his Youtube channel, and all of them are also linked on our Games-forum.
Thanks, I give them a go. Always interested in settings that others enjoy.
Awesome. Thanks Beano. I’m looking to source a Kollmorgen of ebay now. Do you have any model numbers
that are known to work with SimCube?
Hi Barry,
I will feedback a bit later!! Are you mainly interested in something like the AKM52 or 53 level of torque?
I could also advise perhaps grabbing on of the larger servos like the 64 or 65 I am using, they allow a lot of headroom whilst still giving some of the dampening I found on the SS2 - a very good compromise between fidelity/response and general feel - even at lower torque levels!
Let me know what direction you’re thinking in and I will get back to you.
Really great to see Barry here
Hi Barry,
Perhaps this could be useful?
If you want some high precision/resolution encoder to it, try to find a model that has 1vpp SinCos output or a model that has (Hengstler, german made) AD58 BiSS-C encoder. In order to find the right model you likely need to look to the Kollmorgen order codes from the manual to be sure that the encoder is the correct one.
I also had the time to look the review, nice review! Very well made. Hmm… also if you’re looking to buy Kollmorgen motor, it is likely good to source a motor which is not IP65 certified, something like IP54 is enough for (indoor) sim racing. This is likely the reason you can feel some fidelity(?) differences between SS2 and SimuCUBE based system) since the MiGE motors by default have IP65 level protection. The IP65 motors have heavier duty seals around the shaft that may slightly dampen some of the smallest effects to a small degree. Also MiGE 130mm frame size motors have higher inertia than smaller frame sized Kollmorgen motors which also may affect to certain degree to the feeling, ofcourse MiGE also sells smaller frame sized motors that are to my knowledge up to 30 Nm “strong” that could be very similar / identical in feeling compared to AKM5 series motors as their inertia and frame size would be the same. But anyways, difficult to say what is “the best” since one guy says something and the next guy says something else, quite subjective topic, that what technical specifics of a motor makes it very good or the best.
I’m running an AKM54K with a AD58 Biss encoder - works flawlessly with Simucube.
AKM 52 or 53 would be enough for me. I have already hurt my wrist and shoulder with the 52! lol Now I am
more careful when using full forces.
Did the 54K have the Biss installed? If not, where did you source the encoder?