Hello Mika, These are the settings inmy app.ini … will adjust them to 0 and try later when I get a moment
damperMode=0 ; Set damper effect type 0 = Damper 1 = Inertia 2 = Friction
damperSaturation=10000 ; Set damper saturation from 0 to 10000
dampingSliderSetsFriction=1 ; True if damping slider adjust friction effect, false to adjust wheels built in damping effect
Why are you running such a low mcc? Ive got mine slightly clocked at 14.000 and run TBW at unlimited and only get a slight noise when no signal is being sent to the wheel. When running there is no noise at all. Have you tried measuring resistance inductance on the machine tab in granity?
MCC of 6.3A has been my setting from the start, it has given more than enough torque and I haven’t been clipping ( I must be a bit weak ). I thought I would increase the MCC now that there is a torque % slider in simucube configuration tool… and that has lead to this episode. I have been making sure that I measure resitance and inductance and saving the settings to the non-volatile memory.
Thanks, That would be really helpful - I won’t be able to try it until a bit later today. I was also going to try one of Brian Sohn’s DRC files from the simucube thread in iracing forum.
When you try, please tell if the saturation = 0 or = 10000 actually has any effect, and which one is the 0 value. I’m not quite sure myself! Although it looks like the 10000 is the default value.
Its definitely some thing to do with IR with unlimited I can feel a small amount of noise nothing too extreme but with AC with the same settings nothing no noise at all.
I took them in order of off granity forgetting it was the second one which was higher
If you are on iRacing the setting generally used are listed in the SimuCUBE Set-up and info thread I created (the one with the doc files just higher up in the posts…
Those settings are for how the Damper Slider in iRacing handles the type of filtering for the slider… Generally you don’t want to run anything in the Damper Slider.
Has anyone noticed that iRacing would feel somewhat different after the latest patch? I haven’t changed FFB code, but suddenly it feels as if there is some filtering. I think I will get a debug output tomorrow. There didn’t use to be any damping on iRacing by default, but if there is a damping effect now set, it could be sent to IONI…
I tried two things yesterday with good and ‘bad’ results
Dirt 4 is working after I changed the SimuCUBE entry in the device xml file (pid+vid is of course different than for MMOS - currently I have no access to my PC, but I can check tomorrow for the regarding entry).
R3E had a severe issue when having a soft crash into the wall and the car was touching the wall afterwards - the wheel was spinning infintely and I even had to use the emergency stop, luckily the force wasn’t too big so that I wasn’t hurt and as I’m using a custommade Bluetooth rim this was also ok. I fear the reason is that all FFB setups were done with my old G25 wheel and I would need to change some FFB parameters - does anyone have a working setup for R3E?
I have used .drc files from Brian and Ippai in Granity, set MMC/MCC to High ( 10A + ) and low ( 6A )… none of these seem to have any effect on the inductance grating start point of 1000hz, I need to set it to 680hz or lower for most of the noise to go away. What is noticeable at all TBW settings is the slight notchiness / coggging of the wheel when turned slowly, this is not a mechanical effect because the wheel is perfectly smooth when turned off and it is obviously smooth and silent when being powered on right to the point where it is fully booted up when the slight inductance noise and very slight notchiness are apparent. All of this is outside any Sim.
I’m reasonably sure I didn’t have this inductance noise and notchiness prior to the firmware update… but I’m not certain so I am reluctant to point my finger at it.
The wheel is driving just fine and all the simucube configuration tool settings are working well so I don’t have a problem… just a bit puzzled.