SimuCUBE Open Source Firmware Development Update Thread

I can test tonight with large mige.

If needed I can test, Small Mige, SinCos, only iRacing.

the installation of simucube went well
a problem noted: the message for backups always remains red even if the backup is done. The changes made on the profiles are well taken into account but the message remains in red and never goes into green

raceroom: tests ok
rfactor 2: tests ok
dirt rally: tests ok
in all these games, I did not notice a difference in strength feedback

I had some random usb problems with my simshaker gametrix that I had never had before but they may have come from a problem with my setup.

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OK, I know where the red is coming from, forgot to add one thing to a part in codeā€¦ fixing it for release.

Edit: and it is fixed.

Please observe if the USB checkboxes on the hardware tab have any effect on any usb issues or not.


check or uncheck the usb options do not change my gametix simshaker problems because these problems are always present
I downgraded to 0.9.10 and my problems on gametrix simshaker are also present and they were not present yesterday

today raceroom has also been updated. maybe the telemetry data has changed and simshaker does not know how to exploit them properly. It could be that this should be a problem on simshaker

sorry for my bad English

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As side topic: we just released IONI FW 1.7.7 to solve the overvoltage problem experienced by some users (happens on some motors only). If overvoltage is not a problem, then thereā€™s no reason to upgrade.

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Of course that will be included in the next official SimuCUBE firmware release.

Thanx Tero and Mika, that was a quick one :slight_smile:

I will test new ioni FW when I get home and feed back on over-voltage issue.


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It appears small change to regen has fixed the over-voltage issue, thank you! Now it no longer trips when rapidly steering like you would do in drifting.

@Loukas : Please update your ioni FW to 1.7.7 from within Granity and test! Should be good now. I also tested in iRacing and there were no problems.


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I ll test it as well. Thanks

Cheers Bud! Look forward to feedbackā€¦

status update:

  • fixed the constant blinker for unsaved settings
  • fixed the new usb setting checkboxes to reflect what is on the device
  • added many debug log lines for DRC file uploading and applying to IONI.

If there is someone who can consistanly make drc file upload fail, then I would now be interested in those users.

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Status update 2:
with great pains, I have managed to repeatedly make the drc file uploading to fail the same way as the logs show for testers. This includes having bootloaded executable running, and NO previous settings on IONI drive (need to empty it too). Also can not use debugger when doing these tests, as attaching to running process does not seem to work with Truestudio.

symptom is that the parser function that reads the DRC file data just exits right away without any data being parsed. I made it print the file to debug serial port,and it 100% matches the file that the Configuration Tool uploads. Also, when running with debug build without bootloader, failure does not ever happen.

This is very strange. :thinking::thinking::beer:

I seem to have seen the light :wink::bulb:


And what a bright light it is :lol:

Yes. The issue was a compiler issue. However, I decided to polish something else too:

Hola Mika

Sometimes you guys talk in a very tecnical way, and i read something in talibanese languageā€¦xD

Is the idea, and goal for simucube users to not to use granity ,and be able to do whatever they could need just using simucube software??

Yes, that is the idea, and one can already do it. There are no settings in Granity that should be adjusted in normal use.

Hopefully the last version before public beta releaseā€¦ Any new testers around? :slight_smile:

Hi Mika,

Im available for testing

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