SimuCUBE Open Source Firmware Development Update Thread

Awesome, looking forward to testing and to new ideas.

Looking forward to do some test! great job guys!

I’m excited to see things progress :+1:

Thanks for this Community and Forum. What is already a great product can only get better.

If you need a complete idiot to test anything, I’m your man.

Well done gentlemen, awesome idea.

Thanks for creating this forum, I think this will be beneficial for everyone involved.
Really looking forward to seeing what cool things are coming forth in the future😉

Kind Regards

Yay, can’t wait! Dis gonna be gud!

Hi there:slight_smile:!

It’s great to come closer to this great release!

Will the open source firmware also run on the STM32F4 Discovery board (used in the original OSW solution) or is it limited to the SimuCube hardware?

Thanks for your great work,

The OS FW will fully utilize all hardware features of SimuCUBE so at least the exact same binary won’t run on OSW build. However, because it is open source, anyone can fork it and adapt it to OSW (We welcome such code commits! We could create dedicated OSW branch in the GitHub for OSW compatible version to help keeping it up to date.).

Another way would be adding missing HW features to OSW to run the original OS FW. More about that later once we know what exactly is needed.

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Thanks, Tero!

That’s great to hear. I’m more familiar with developing software running on Atmel MicroControllers (and using Atmel tools), but maybe I’ll start to get used to the STMicro world and port the software to the discovery board. If no one will do it before me:-).

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Great, can’t wait! :grinning:

Good job guys!
Are we going to add an area to the forum where motor profiles and such can be uploaded to?

Talk later,

Great idea,
looking forward for all the new ideas coming from you guys.


A dream come true.
Now is started, that SimuCube will be even better, soon.

Great great news. Finaly some movement for our beloved simucube.
Would love to provide any kind of help with in my abilities.

Sim commander is a good example of how force feedback can be adjusted in detail.
On the other hand there is the example of Leo Bodnar Sim Steering system, which nails a good feeling with less complex interface (well ofcourse using single motor provider also help them achive this).

So final driver should be something that everyone can use without being a Servo engineer and focus on simple steering preferences only, with an advanced tab that will give possibilities to people who want to dive deep into fine tuning.

Excited already…

Looking Forward too :sunglasses:

This will be the next big Thing i guess.

Looking forward to the beta.

@Joe Yes, there will be a section for forum where the first betas will be published for first 50 registered community members + maybe few more.

Good to hear. Although I thought you could just fetch the firmware from github actually.

One question about the firmware: could an API be implemented that could be used by games to set the (lock-to-lock) steering angle?

It would have to be totally custom API with no support for that in current games. The benefit of that would not be great. We are developing SimuCUBE as a generic USB HID game controller device for start, but we do have ideas regarding better API’s.

Really looking forward to this… Awesome work guys…