Simucube 2 Profile Online Early Access

Nope, scratch the above. I power cycled the computer, iRacing and the Simucube a couple of times, and the FFB is working as per normal again.

Apologies for spamming this board, but yeah, the FFB is way off. Sometimes it starts in high torque, sometimes it doesnā€™t. When it does load properly, the FFB doesnā€™t feel right. In iRacing itā€™s really notchy compared to how smooth it was on Beta 4, and the FFB strength is through the roof harsh. I dialled all the settings down, and it still didnā€™t work well.

Hello Mika,

I do whatever it takes to reproduce issues with this new Beta 9 and 10 regarding FFb issuesā€¦ downgraded 6 times to 2020.10 to beta 4 , 5 , 6 , 9 , 10ā€¦ i have tested every profile in every gameā€¦ the FFb is exactly the same on every version. Hope this help. Sc2 Ultimate

Latest also seems broken for me.
Recon feels stuck at recon 0. But itā€™s more than that, the FFB feels ā€œweirdā€ and notchy compared to a few days ago.
Additionally v10 takes even longer time to exit on the upper corner click than earlier versions.
Seems in line with @Martyā€™s last comment.

Edit: It could be just recon stuck at 0, not 100% sure more is wrong.
Also I have downgraded to last non-online version as I have to say that this online functionality so far is mostly added complexity & trouble for using the application, specially when it comes to making quick adjustments. Will come back to it when:

  • It doesnā€™t require me to log in daily.
  • Editing FFB for my active profile is 1 click away.
  • Saving works with one click.
  • I donā€™t have to first save, then click to activate a different profile & then click toactivate the just saved one, before Iā€™m sure itā€™s active.
  • Everybody say itā€™s awesome.

It looks like the online-side is sending a wrong profile at some points to the device. I will need to investigate further.

In the meanwhile:

The maximum allowed time for the logged in -cookie is at two weeks now. I will see if the local storage on the local computer gets somehow expired instead.

We might add edit FFB settings shortcut to the profile.

It does work with save button now, but if the previous point gets changed, were should the save button then be?

This seems to be related to the online-side bug right now

It will be :slight_smile:

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After downgrading it still feels way more notchy at recon 1 than earlier, it seems :unamused:

This is interesting as there was a firmware update but not related in any way to FFB or recon filter stuff. Most likely it is the ā€œonline activates wrong profileā€ bug that was uncovered somehow. We are investigating it now.

Fix for the wrong profile activating has been pushed to the production app in the online part.

Now that this is fixed, is there still some remaining issues?

The tray icon issue is something that is reported also in a third-party code in Github, so need to monitor that for now.

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Hi Mika,

Today i use for 3 hours beta 10 but honestly donā€™t notice any other issues regarding FFb feelings, imported profiles, dx filters value, servo fx value , ultimate filters etcā€¦
for me beta 10 is Ok other than the problem with Qt but if you launch the app with trayminimized the crash disappear.

I have also been noticing i need to login at least every 2nd day or sometimes every day, this is quite annoying.

@Keemaow - extremely annoying, actually :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I understand the need for the browser ā€˜jumpā€™ so that the Google/FB etc. account logins work correctly - but would prefer a persistent log in rather than having to enter my credentials each time (I use my SC online account credentials).

If weā€™re being logged off to restrict the concurrent number of active log-ins (guess?) then what will happen as more SC2 units are soldā€¦ :no_mouth:

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Wrong guess.

But we are investigating why it is so often at the moment. It should be at least two weeksā€¦

Why does saving require a description now? Can you have it as a requirement just for publishing or something?

It is the easiest place to enfoce keeping some quality in the published online profiles. But, weā€™ll look into making that step mandatory only when publishing.

Are you on a Simucube Ultimate Albert?

My FFB has been all over the place since upgrading to beta 10. Iā€™ve now downgraded to 21.1, but still having issues. My base keeps losing its FFB and the wheel goes limp, with no feedback until I power down and power back on the base.

Literally never had a single issue with the Ultimate until upgrading to Beta 10. The wheel has never missed a beat, so it has to be something to do with Beta 10 as nothing else has changed.

Hello Marty,
Yes mate, iā€™m on a Sc2 Ultimate. i have to say that i always found something that donā€™t work as expected but honestly with this Beta 10 i have 0 issues. If this release work this way for everyone i can call it a Rc1 for sure instead of beta.

Itā€™s a mistery how the same exact code/firmware with the same exact components can have differences user by user.

I have downgraded from beta 10 to 10.2020 and upgraded step by step 4,5,6,7,8,10 without any FFB issues.

Are you sure you donā€™t have something disabled on your UEFI/bios for USB/Legacy compatibility mode
?. i found that if this parameter is disabled or set to auto, a lot of device have stability issues.

For what i know i can guaranteed you that is impossible that your device have issuesā€¦ itā€™s only softwareā€¦ donā€™t worry. What is strange is that even if you downgrade to another firmware you still have issues and bad feelings. iā€™m really curious to investigate this things because , for me , this is impossible. I like more this things than drive in sims :smiley:

Edit for mistype.

Yeah, itā€™s baffling. The wheel just goes limp until I power cycle the unit again, and then FFB kicks back in again. Once I have FFB activated, it stays that way, until I shut the computer and Ultimate off. Then when I boot it again, thereā€™ll be no FFB. And then itā€™s power cycle off, and on, and click the emergency button and off a couple of times, and itā€™s back.

Iā€™ll be finishing work again shortly, so will upgrading the firmware again to beta 10 and see if that fixes the issues. If not, I think Iā€™ll delete all the profiles too, and re-load them again, as I think maybe the profiles were corrupted in the upgrade.

But yeah, Iā€™ve had zero issues with the machine until this past few days. So Iā€™m certain itā€™s software.

As for the UEFI/Bios, what setting should it be on?


depends on your UEFI/Mainboard manufacturer , you can read something like
USB Legacy
USB Compatibility
USB Safe

Sometime a timer called HPET can manifest issues if disabled or if not set correctly for whatever reason. but this is really rare.

itā€™s only a try butā€¦ try to set it to ā€œENABLEDā€ instead of auto or Disabled.

We may have found the reason why logins seem to be required too often. We are testing the fix in the online app in development environment right now, and if it solves the issue, then it will be silently updated to the production app in the cloud.

Is there any approximate date when this will be available for everyone?