Simucube 2 News and Updates

There is no direct way to auto-start TD so one way is:

Create a shortcut somewhere such as the desktop to TD

You might want to edit the shortcut so that instead of closing it minimises to the tray by adding “tray” to the target line:

Then in the Start menu search box type “run” and enter. Put “shell:startup” in the open box:

This will open the Startup folder.
Copy the shortcut to the folder and this will make TD start every time you log in.


This just shows nobody reads anything on a warning page.

thar’s nonsense… I didn’t open the HT mode popup yet because I was lookiing for the setting on the settings tab…


Hi community, I need more info how to update the new driver update. Would be great for the future to upgrade it from the“old“ TD software. I have a running system and dont want get trouble with the update… but I want it :joy:

Do I have to delete old TD before update or not?
what happen to all my setting of the downloaded iRacing settings?


Just download and unzip the new version.
Power up your wheel and start the new version of True Drive. It will then start a firmware upgrade of your wheelbase and when it’s done, you’re ready.
Your settings will be copied to the new TD.
After, you can just delete the complete folder with the old TD in it.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Simucube 2 True Drive software feedback thread

Ditto, looked through all the pages as expected it to be the setting on advanced tab.
BTW, are there plans for multi-lingual support instead of super long scroll through warning page in multiple languages?
Well, at least with permanent HT enabled it won’t show up again.
Thanks for this feature, idle beep though IMO should not be tied to this, I found it quite useful for reminding that motor is still on unattended, except the timer is too short, but if you make it configurable, this shouldn’t be a problem.

No, we will not add any more confusing options. What we have implemented now is like 99% of the requests were.

thank you. my fault was that I had switched on my SC during update :scream:. Now it works fine

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Simucube 2 True Drive 2020.4 is released.

Also, we have popped up a pop-up store for slightly blemished “B-series” Simucube 2 Sport and Pro units. Stocks for that are very limited, and restricted for EU only due to logistics.


Some exciting news has been announced!


Simucube 2 True Drive 2010.10 is released.


What are the changes (besides the powersupply) for the new Simucube 2 Pro (Rev2)?

Slight differences in the back plate design (connectors in different position, power LED is replaced with a led that illuminates the PSU connector housing).

Also the PSU cable is longer.

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I know, I know.
Single PSU. :raised_hands:

How long is PSU to motor cable now and what is the plan for upgrade path for existing SC2 users, if any?


1.8 m if I remember correctly.

It has not been determined yet. As the performance is exactly the same, there is no direct benefit to the driving experience.

Understood, but besides driving experience there are other considerations, same as you had used when went through the trouble of making single PSU and longer cable happen in R2.
Plus you can sell extra, good for business! :v:

Hi Mika, i am using SC2 pro. So far, i have no issue driving Iracing with SC2 pro. The ffb and feel is good.
I am using all default setting.
But other than iracing, all other games like RRE, Dirt, Automobilista 2and AC…the driving feel and ffb is terrible. I am using the default setting.
What could be the issue ?
Could it be my SC2 pro is having some problem ?

Your SC2 pro is not having any issue if it feels good in iRacing, but bad anywhere else. There are dedicated threads here on this forum, where you can find settings and advice from guys running those games :wink:


Hi Beano,
Thanks for the reply. I am not good in fine tuning the true drive settings and wondering if you can include those drivable default settings for all other sims.