rFactor 2 and SimuCUBE

All things related to RFactor 2 and SimuCUBE.


R Factor 2 included?

Edited. Title to RFactor 2. .l

Ok can we start with how we can introduce our simucube to the game? :slight_smile:

I use this controller file with my Simucube normally at about .45 to .55 in game multis URD C7r :slight_smile:
“Force Feedback”:{
“Brake effects on steer axis”:0,
“Brake effects on steer axis#”:“0 = Brake effects on brake axis, 1 = brake effects on steering axis.”,
“Brake effects strength”:10000,
“Brake effects strength#”:"-10000 to +10000, applies to all brake effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
“Brake spring coefficient”:0.6,
“Brake spring coefficient#”:“Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)”,
“Brake spring saturation”:0.8,
“Brake spring saturation#”:“Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)”,
“Clutch effects on steer axis”:0,
“Clutch effects on steer axis#”:“0 = Clutch effects on clutch axis, 1 = brake effects on steering axis.”,
“Clutch effects strength”:10000,
“Clutch effects strength#”:"-10000 to +10000, applies to all clutch effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
“Clutch spring coefficient”:0.2,
“Clutch spring coefficient#”:“Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)”,
“Clutch spring saturation”:1,
“Clutch spring saturation#”:“Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)”,
“G920_workaround#”:“Workaround for Logitech G920 firmware bugs … may need to turn this off after firmware update if it gets fixed.”,
“Gearbox effects on steer axis”:0,
“Gearbox effects on steer axis#”:“0 = Gearbox effects on gearbox ‘axis’, 1 = brake effects on steering axis.”,
“Gearbox effects strength”:10000,
“Gearbox effects strength#”:"-10000 to +10000, applies to all gearbox effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
“Gearbox spring coefficient”:0,
“Gearbox spring coefficient#”:“Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)”,
“Gearbox spring saturation”:1,
“Gearbox spring saturation#”:“Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)”,
“Ignore controllers”:0,
“Ignore controllers#”:“Do not use FFB on: 1=controller1, 2=controller2, 4=controller3, 8=controller4, 16=controller5, 32=controller6 (or add values to ignore multiple controllers, for example 63 ignores all)”,
“Jolt magnitude”:-1,
“Jolt magnitude#”:“How strong jolts from other cars (or walls) are. Suggested Range: -2.0 to 2.0.”,
“Off-road multiplier”:0.3,
“Off-road multiplier#”:“Temporary test variable to reduce force feedback strength off-road (0.0 = zero FFB, 1.0 = full FFB)”,
“Other spring coefficient”:0.2,
“Other spring coefficient#”:“Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0) for any other FFB-capable controllers”,
“Other spring saturation”:0.05,
“Other spring saturation#”:“Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0) for any other FFB-capable controllers”,
“Rumble strip magnitude”:0.1,
“Rumble strip magnitude#”:“How strong the canned rumble strip rumble is. Range 0.0 to 1.0, 0.0 disables effect.”,
“Rumble strip pull factor”:-0.6,
“Rumble strip pull factor#”:“How strongly wheel pulls right/left when running over a rumble strip. Suggested range: -1.5 to 1.5.”,
“Rumble strip update thresh”:0.03,
“Rumble strip update thresh#”:“Amount of change required to update rumble strip effect (0.0 - 1.0)”,
“Rumble strip wave type”:0,
“Rumble strip wave type#”:“Type of wave to use for vibe: 0=Sine, 1=Square, 2=Triangle, 3=Sawtooth up, 4=Sawtooth down.”,
“Steering effects strength”:-10000,
“Steering effects strength#”:"-10000 to +10000, applies to all steering effects (torque, resistance, static spring, jolt, etc.)",
“Steering resistance coefficient”:0.2,
“Steering resistance coefficient#”:“Coefficient to use for steering resistance. Range: -1.0 to 1.0”,
“Steering resistance saturation”:0.3,
“Steering resistance saturation#”:“Saturation value to use for steering resistance. Range: 0 - 1.0”,
“Steering resistance type”:0,
“Steering resistance type#”:“0=use damping, 1=use friction”,
“Steering spring coefficient”:0.4,
“Steering spring coefficient#”:“Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)”,
“Steering spring saturation”:0.005,
“Steering spring saturation#”:“Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)”,
“Steering torque capability”:20,
“Steering torque capability#”:“The maximum torque capability of the wheel (in Nm, obviously)”,
“Steering torque extrap blend”:0,
“Steering torque extrap blend#”:“Higher blends of extrapolated value allows driver to feel torque changes even when actual torque exceeds ‘input max’ (0.0=disables, 1.0=max)”,
“Steering torque extrap time”:0.015,
“Steering torque extrap time#”:“Time in seconds to extrapolate steering torque based on current change (Range: 0.001 to 0.050. To disable, set ‘blend’ to 0.0)”,
“Steering torque filter”:5,
“Steering torque filter#”:“Number of old samples to use to filter torque from vehicle’s steering column (0-32, note that higher values increase effective latency)”,
“Steering torque minimum”:0.005,
“Steering torque minimum#”:“Minimum torque to apply in either direction to overcome steering wheel’s ‘FFB deadzone’ caused by friction”,
“Steering torque per-vehicle mult”:0.5,
“Steering torque per-vehicle mult#”:“Per-vehicle steering column torque multiplier (this is a copy of the .CCH value)”,
“Steering torque sensitivity”:1,
“Steering torque sensitivity#”:“Sensitivity curve applied to representable torques: 0.0=low 1.0=linear 2.0=high”,
“Steering torque zero-speed mult”:0.3,
“Steering torque zero-speed mult#”:“Multiplier at zero speed to reduce unwanted oscillation from strong static aligning torque”,
“Test_workaround#”:“Workaround for apparent driver CTD on release”,
“Throttle effects on steer axis”:0,
“Throttle effects on steer axis#”:“0 = Throttle effects on throttle axis, 1 = throttle effects on steering axis.”,
“Throttle effects strength”:10000,
“Throttle effects strength#”:"-10000 to +10000, applies to all throttle effects (force, vibration, static spring, etc?)",
“Throttle spring coefficient”:0.8,
“Throttle spring coefficient#”:“Static spring effect rate (-1.0 to 1.0)”,
“Throttle spring saturation”:1,
“Throttle spring saturation#”:“Static spring effect peak force (0.0 to 1.0)”,
“Type#”:“Type of force feedback: 0=off 1=wheel 2=joystick 3=rumble/gamepad 4=custom”,
“Use thread”:true,
“Use thread#”:“Use a separate thread to issue FFB commands which may block with some drivers”

Thanx a lot. So are we going to copy paste it somewhere?
How does it work?

You want the file found at
:\Steam\steamapps\common\rFactor 2\UserData\player\Controller.json

You do not have to replace the whole file. The important section to change is:

“Steering effects strength”:10000,
“Steering effects strength#”:"-10000 to +10000, applies to all steering effects (torque, resistance, static spring, jolt, etc.)",

By default it is 10000 and you need it to be -10000 for the wheel to work properly.

So it should look like this:

“Steering effects strength”:-10000,
“Steering effects strength#”:"-10000 to +10000, applies to all steering effects (torque, resistance, static spring, jolt, etc.)",

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Yep just replace the ffb bit from “Force Feedback”:{ in Controller.json
i used all of it I found it on a OSW thread on S397 forum felt allot better feel running curbs catching slides using all the FFB part. just make a copy of Controller.json first so u can go back if u want :slight_smile:
i just copied to desktop first :grinning:

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Unfortunately, it is not enough to change that, because there are many other settings that affect and not least the FFB. There are many profiles on RF2 and I’ve tried it a lot, starting from the Accuforce that seemed closer to our steering wheel, but in the end I preferred that of the T500.

will try the T500 one again. think i have already set main things in the file like setting “Steering torque capability”:20, for 20nm so will try it tonight :slight_smile:
Just liked the feel with all the FFB settings listed above thought that part of file only dealt with FFB and feel

Naturally, the profiles are used as a base, but then change the torque to 20nm, and the Steering effects strength at -10000. What I meant was that evidence should be made. I did not see the other profiles after the update but kept what I had before and leaving the T500

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I went from T500 to OSW too you could try Jed’s file i’m going to try it again not tried it since i got wheel and used current one :slight_smile:
He supplied my OSW kit top guy very helpful :slight_smile: MX170 on here :slight_smile:
SinCos Encoder Upgrade will be my next upgrade :slight_smile:


I’ll definitely try it in the weekend

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simon but do you encoder buy it there? sebra has a great price

Got to save for a bit broke the bank getting OSW kit new wheel an HE Pro pedal set :slight_smile:

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Ill keep this here. 165 including uk delivery (Xmas present)


You can’t go wrong with Jed i would not buy of anyone else :slight_smile:
going to be fun Xmas RF2 new ui and GT3 pack P cars 2 running very good now happy days :slight_smile:
First UK supplier i’ve seen love the quality of my servo box too so well made :slight_smile:

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Hope they do a pre order Id imagine they will sell out very quickly .

I am sure if you ring him he will gladly put one buy for you :sunglasses:

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Hey Simon,

Do you know the brand of these encoders?