Reconstruction Filter V2 testing

AC FFB Settings → Content Manager

CSP FFB Tweaks → Content Manager

Use the TD profile “Realistic AC by SKY” .
I have the FFB per car in game at 60 for most of the cars. For some cars like vintage Formula i set the FFB at 70-75 .

Very unlikely. Performance limits on the IONI servo drive.

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Good morning all guys! First of all let me say a huge thank you to Mika and to whole Devs group about all job that you are doing, really and sincere thanks.

Yesterday i tried, on Le Mans Ultimate, a bit the new Recon V2 (30/35 mins) with level 5 (before i had recon v1 at 1) and…i had the feeling to own a new wheel base, really.

Is total different all and is better, i can feel better and clearly car weight movement on the steering wheel, is something really well done this new filter guys.

And this let me a little bit positive astonished because i think that Simucube 2 hardware has already a couple of Years but….with a new filter or a new software…is something “new” and not just hardware related.
Really guys…congrats about this step, seems to own a new Simucube 3 in my hands now.

one more time THANK YOU, really well done guys! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::rocket:


There is still hope :wink:

Hi what profile do you use from the paddock @DelleMele34 ?

Hi dear! Sincerely i use my own paddock profile because i like a lot create my own profile, understanding well that one filter do compared to another one.

this evening, once i came to home, i can send you my TD settings + LMU settings in game :blush:

Hello that would be great @DelleMele34 ! Thank you!

Absolutely loving V2. I have only tried iRacing so far but I am using TeamRedline FFB settings with filter at 1. Feels way more realistic and it seems I am noticing more dynamic range throughout corners. Highly recommend and definitely don’t want to go back to V1 as it felt more rubbery and felt like there was a little less control with the FFB. I suppose it almost felt like V1 has more cogging. Great work and I really appreciate the updates and hard work mates.

Hello everyone, and congratulations on the new update!

I see there are really a lot of comments, and many people have different feelings using v2 compared to v1. I would like to kindly ask those who developed this system, what are the actual differences between v1 and v2?

I would greatly appreciate a detailed and technical response from those who implemented these features, and I’m sure the community would be grateful as well.

Broadly speaking, algorithm improvement and then tuning and signal processing investigations were done. Also feedback after we released the 360 Hz support for iRacing was taken into account.

Can’t go to any more details than that…

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Thanks Mika, now I can say that I have a “candidate” version of the Asetto Corsa EVO

Ive had a short test session today in iRacing, previously ive been using lvl 1 on the v1 filter, on v2 i have tested lvl 1 ( feels good similar to v1 OFF but less graining and less audible effects from the base but feels a bit too “robotic/clunky” for my taste), on v2 lvl 2 and 3 setting feel almost identic with 3 being a bit smoother, no noticeable graining on either i prefer using 2 as it feels more “raw”, biggest difference that I noticed v1 vs v2 filters is in cars that are very light on the front end feel much better on v2 filter, it is more informative and precise, I haven’t played with other settings for now but just for reference i`m using unlimited bandwidth, damping 4%, friction 7%, Inertia 5%, slew rate 4. Overall v2 filter is better, thanks for the great work!

Just managed to test it shortly with AC. My first thoughts is that this is definitely an improvement to V1. I have always been using recon 1 with V1 as i felt that with higher values there is lag in the FFB. With V2 at up to 3 that i tested, i couldn’t feel any. Even at 1 with V2 which i liked (even though it is more harsh/robotic which is fine for me) somehow feels less grainy/noisy than at 1 in V1. So for sure this is a lot better and gives a lot more flexibility and choices depending on the mood, car, sim title. Good work guys!

Thank you, Mika, for the detailed explanation regarding the algorithm improvements and tuning for version v2.

I noticed that you considered feedback after releasing the 360 Hz support for iRacing. I would kindly like to ask if there are any plans to extend compatibility to ACC, which operates at 400 Hz. It would be interesting to know if this feature is under development or if there are technical obstacles preventing its implementation.

I appreciate your continuous effort to improve the user experience and look forward to receiving further updates on this matter.

Thanks again for your work!

Best regards,

ACC does 400hz natively via standard DirectInput FFB.
It’s iRacing that cannot do that and requires some jumps through the hoops to support proprietary protocol.

I am finding need to run v2 at 7 for the profiles i use. 1 feels far too digital. 5 is when it starts to feel ok, but 7 was optimal. Maybe just lose a tiny bit of feel around centre. I cant say i feel a massive difference over v1, but suble enough to make the car feel more controlable. All with iracing 360

Do think i prefer v2 from initial tests. Didnt find anything wrong with it overall

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Yeah, we did analyze how the feedback signal looks like in various games and ACC was included in the analysis.

can you share your true drive settings?

I just tested new V2 filter with iracing (setting 1). I absolutely love the new V2 filter!
It gives far better feedback and is more detailed.*
Very Good job, simucube team!


Any suggestions for LMU?