Reconstruction Filter V2 testing

This is great progress, even magic!
I am an iRacer. In the recent season (three months), due to work reasons, I had no time to practice and compete in the whole season. I only opened the computer occasionally to update the software,until this week, so i was almost suddenly jumped from 60HZ to 360HZ.
At first I thought it was the track conditions, my race tyres were burning out really fast, even though my hotlap was fast. I also lost my competitiveness. Three months ago my irating was 5k3, this week my long distance ability I think is only 3k. That is devastating for me.
Yesterday – I read the update logs of iRacing and TD in the past few months, tested at 60HZ and 360HZ, and found the reason for the loss of competitiveness. Under the original setting of 360HZ, the ambiguity of high frequency led to the ambiguity of my limit judgment, so that the tire consumption was too high. Even I think my hotlap is based on my understanding of the “drive line”.
Last night until today I was completely devastated, I couldn’t adjust the base Settings I needed at 360hz, and I even felt like I couldn’t drive
The above is based on my special situation.
And the emergence of Reconstruction Filter V2, I only set a value, (because mika said the original 1= now 5, so roughly have their own judgment), at that time I was excited, this is the direction I want. I was so excited that I spent an hour on the phone with my friend! Because last night I asked my friend, who is a 7k+iRacer, he couldn’t do pace at 360HZ V1 either.
Then I started to make some fine tuning, I was sure that this was the feeling I wanted, the crash mood was completely gone, the tires and suspension could tell me everything, and the smile was always on my face for an hour.
Can you understand my joy? Thank you mika and Granite devices for the 360HZ improvement and testing.

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I’m not sure how to describe it, but it feels like there is some extra friction when catching the car and doing the quick left/right with the wheel, especially on lower recon values.

I also played around with the slew rate filter today and it seems a lower slew rate helps with the update to 360hz and recon V2. I thought it would be the other way, but the 3D curbs are brutal on 360hz and recon V2. Slew rate around 1 to 1.2 smoothers that a bit a feels like 60hz with recon V1 and 1.8 slew rate.

Only tested with ACC. Typically use recon 1.

  • V2 R1 - harsh digital feeling with sand in the gear. Almost the same as Recon off with very slight improvement, not sure how it can be usable if even with ACC 400hz and its generally subdued FFB it’s so harsh.
  • V2 R2 - much better, still occasional digital grit in turns
  • V2 R3 - perfecto :ok_hand:, no grit at all, very nice details, even better than V1 R1, wheel seems to be more reactive and less laggy, car is easier to control at the edge and recover from spins.
    So at least in ACC V1 R1 = V2 R3, only better, haven’t changed anything else, still at full slew rate.
    Certainly promising development, great job Mika, Tero, and the rest of the team! :+1:


For me too, it’s good work, subtle during the first tests, afterwards you realise that the front end is more precise with the recon v2 than the v1, I’m in recon 5-6.
@Andrew_WOT Could you please share your settings for ACC?

Hi @Andrew_WOT Did you change anything in TD for ACC?

No, haven’t changed anything else, besides Recon V2 at 3. Still might need to fine tune might even go to 4, but initial feedback throwing Mustang GT3 around Zandvoort is very positive.
@getmlh, I use pretty simple settings, for all sims, so don’t expect to find some secret “holly grail” there.
I also use 1200 DOR now, but that probably doesn’t matter.

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Thanks @Andrew_WOT I’m also at 1200 for the stop, why 1200? Well I say to myself that if Kunos or others, gives the possibility of having a high angle of rotation, I do not see why we should limit ourselves to 900, then I regulate at the max in all the games, indeed your parameters remain very simple, month it is the same, I do not have all the cursors to activate and there are not large things different.

Yeah - that is exactly what I use the slew filter for on my Sport - I limit it to around 2.6. It takes some of the square edges away from hits, round things out, smoothing the experience. If I don’t, I end up with bad shoulder pain for weeks. Too low and the centre weight seems to disappear, too high and it is too sharp for my shoulders. I love how it feels at 3.1, but my shoulder injury recurs so it is back at 2.6. Interested to see how it feels with the new filter. edit: Actually, even 1.9 feels pretty good for Slew with the new v2 recon.

I have tried the v2 Reconstruction filter and is magic. It feels like the latency of the ffb is lower and because of that you feel more connected to the car. I love it ! I only tested in AC1 for now with the v2 set at 5 .

Hi @SKY Would you share your TD settings CM settings for AC please?

Sure. I will share the CM settings when i get home.

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This sounds great. Any chance it will be coming to SC1 too ? :yum:

AC FFB Settings → Content Manager

CSP FFB Tweaks → Content Manager

Use the TD profile “Realistic AC by SKY” .
I have the FFB per car in game at 60 for most of the cars. For some cars like vintage Formula i set the FFB at 70-75 .

Very unlikely. Performance limits on the IONI servo drive.

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Good morning all guys! First of all let me say a huge thank you to Mika and to whole Devs group about all job that you are doing, really and sincere thanks.

Yesterday i tried, on Le Mans Ultimate, a bit the new Recon V2 (30/35 mins) with level 5 (before i had recon v1 at 1) and…i had the feeling to own a new wheel base, really.

Is total different all and is better, i can feel better and clearly car weight movement on the steering wheel, is something really well done this new filter guys.

And this let me a little bit positive astonished because i think that Simucube 2 hardware has already a couple of Years but….with a new filter or a new software…is something “new” and not just hardware related.
Really guys…congrats about this step, seems to own a new Simucube 3 in my hands now.

one more time THANK YOU, really well done guys! :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2::rocket:


There is still hope :wink:

Hi what profile do you use from the paddock @DelleMele34 ?

Hi dear! Sincerely i use my own paddock profile because i like a lot create my own profile, understanding well that one filter do compared to another one.

this evening, once i came to home, i can send you my TD settings + LMU settings in game :blush:

Hello that would be great @DelleMele34 ! Thank you!

Absolutely loving V2. I have only tried iRacing so far but I am using TeamRedline FFB settings with filter at 1. Feels way more realistic and it seems I am noticing more dynamic range throughout corners. Highly recommend and definitely don’t want to go back to V1 as it felt more rubbery and felt like there was a little less control with the FFB. I suppose it almost felt like V1 has more cogging. Great work and I really appreciate the updates and hard work mates.