Raceroom and Simucube 2 - Post December 2019 update

Something is broken, that shouldn’t happen. Try to delete your in game controller profiles, run steam integrity check, and create brand new profile in R3E, it should recognize SC2 and use right defaults.
Don’t use any of custom profile files posted earlier.

That was a new profile already. As I wrote, I deleted my Documents/My Games/SimBin folder, which includes the controller profiles. It detected the Simucube, and I used that to create a custom profile. I never downloaded an .rcs file from here but just used the settings shown as a starting point. The game was completely freshly installed, steam folder deleted and everything.

Maybe this is something for @Mika. Something that was odd that I forgot to mention yesterday was that after setting Jost Magnitude to 0, the wheel pulled left as before, but didn’t stop when resetting the car or even closing the game. It kept pulling left until I switched profiles in True Drive. Using the E-Stop killed the effect, but after releasing it it continued.

It does pull when you go to the menu in the middle of the race, but not during driving.
Is that the issue you have? Just push e-stop when in garage menu.

No, it starts pulling as soon as the car moves. The first time it stopped when resetting the car to pits. The second time it only stopped after changing profiles in True Drive, after I already quit out of Raceroom.

I uninstalled and deleted the folders and created a new controller profile before both tries. The e-stop stopped it but it resumed when I released the e-stop again.

Since setting effects to zero in Raceroom it works well.

See the last post …



That picture has made me very happy. Thanks for sharing.

I’m looking forward to the optimisations that may come from this. Great job @Mika :clap:


I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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uh oh… :slight_smile:

I cant see the attached files!?

Does anybody know if Sector 3 have any scheduled update Windows coming up?

I’m eagerly awaiting a SC2 preset so I can have another try at what used to be my most played game.


do i miss something ?
impossible to activate ffb in game
i checked everythying
any idea ?

Anyone tested R3R after the latest big update? I read in the hotfix there is a sort of support for SC2 and I was hoping to find here some feedback.
My previous SC2Pro setup feels wrong now.

There’s a new thread for R3E here: https://community.granitedevices.com/t/recommended-settings-on-raceroom-2020/4475

There aren’t any specific recommend settings as of right now but it shouldn’t be too long before there are.

yeah I saw it after posting here, thx

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I have an issue in multiplayer racing, it is not a gamebreaking issue, but I is a dangerous one.
When you spawn on the grid before a race, you see the time counts down until all drivers have spawned.
When all have spawned, and the race is ready to start, the wheel turns almost 90 degree right, with force and speed. This almost happen every time, and if you have the hands at the wrong place, some physical damage may occur if you are unlucky. This does not happen however when spawning in the pits, or when spawning for qualifying, and not on a race with AI.

I am not sure if this issue can be fixed by Sector3, or Granite Devices developers, or maybe it is a issue on my side.

Edit: I will post this issue also in the Sector3 forums.


The above post is why I stopped Playing raceroom and moved to Rfactor2, It’s Probably going to be a Sector3 fix that’s required, either way, it’s down right dangerous.



Okay, it seems we can narrow it down to the responsibility of Sector3.
I hope they catch their eyes on this issue.
Even better, if Granite Devices and Sector3 can communicate with a direct line and solves issues fast, it benefits both companies.
Hence Sector3 may loose users, and even users may refrain to buy the SC2 wheel when this happens.

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edit this line into the .rcs file you are using :
FFB stationary friction=“0.5” // Amount of friction applied to the steering wheel when vehicle is stationary
I dropped it to 0.1, and solved the issue

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Is there a way to force in R3E bumpstop lock set in TD?I mean the bumpstop range I set in TD works i.e. in AMS 1 , but in R3E wheel rotation is not limited by this setting in TD and I would like to be able to override game setting with what is set in the driver.

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