In any case, they (the GRANIT team) are not afraid to write that it’s going to be a revolution, so we can expect something great, well I hope so and especially cheap
I hope they have a lot of new features for our lovely simucube :D.
Edit: With features I mean, new firmware with a lot new stuff.
that’s the thing, at some point they do need to move on from simucube 2 and make a simucube 3, they quite obviously could do with a lower end wheelbase or 2 aswell to fill out the brand and the eyes that look to the brand to spend money because just having high end bases will only sell so much which will lead to a decrease in the amount of peripherals people buy. maybe granite are so financially secure that really just does not matter, they likely sell motors for other applications in the tens of thousands around the world so that is their priority and the sim racing venture is just additional to that and being high end components only builds on that reputation of only the best will do.
but im rambling, what im trying to say is, im worried they may be moving on from simucube 2, there are technical limitations with the product that likely have no real solution, such as the wireless system being unpowered so not supporting displays or many more inputs wirelessly, but at the same time its clear there ‘‘should be’’ massive headroom with the device still to expand the software and innovate further. There was rumblings about an updated bluetooth module that supports up to 96 inputs rather than the 28 we currently have, according to sources on facebook this was still planned but there are supply issues with the worlds current situation, but im thinking like why do the majority of the customer base not know about that, why are granite not coming out and saying something like ‘‘Guys we are working on this product that will massively expand your experience with the simucube 2, the price is X amount and its user replaceable and we are looking to ship it sometime next year.’’
Something like this would breath new life into the current products, build the excitement within the user base, just give us something to bolster our confidence in the product. I absolutely love my simucube 2, amazing product, amazing quality, would not change it for anything right now BUT i do feel like they are preparing the end of this product perhaps due to the limitations holding it back as it stands.
I think they won’t send SC2 to the End of Life. There is certainly something else going on :D.
- Can’t be pedals or new wheel, too small and relatively insignificant to be called “revolutionary”.
- Not a new wheelbase, at least not from GD, Mika was very specific about that
- SW improvement would not be called “new product”
- New Asetek quick release would require internal changes (slip ring, etc.), unless it’s SC2 R3, it’s not going to happen
- Sim rig, not really their specialty and this market is overcrowded by 80/20 modlels
What else is there in sim racing, I could only think of motion, we have either super expensive D-Boxes or some part DIY solutions, something from the company that knows how to work with servos sounds plausible.
LOL, this whole topic is quite funny. Agree with most of your points. What about Asetek though? Is there a chance that Asetek will introduce their new wheels on the market and at the same time Granite will continue with the Simucube line? Of course i have no idea on the acquisition deal, but i think such an approach would be somewhat strange business wise. My guess is that Asetek will use the SC2 motors and GD know how/ R&D and with a few improvements in electronics and housing/qr to introduce their new base (what could be otherwise an SC3). At the same time with a new revamped and better SW. Could that be revolutionary enough?
Where does this leave SC2, that is a different story. Also, i might be wrong, but i think the development of TD has been slowing down lately, that might mean something as well.
Now a motion system? Although indeed GD are masters with servos, in order for such a thing to be revolutionary, it would have to be cheaper and better than the rest products. Somehow i do not see this…
In any case, everything i am saying are pure assumptions with no ill intention whatsoever. Just hope for the best.
No way! If you are right I walk to Jerusalem (from Bethlehem). The Simucube 2 products where announced around June 2019.
If you have an Ultimate with 32Nm, where you want to go from there? But it’s fun guessing. But I wouldn’t place my cash on your bet. We will find out soon
PS: maybe they change from orange to blue colour?
Or Asetek and Granite Devices join forces?
i think people are misunderstanding the relationship between granite and asetek, from what i understand asetek just purchased some licensing, giving them access to some software materials and a base for the hardware like the QR. asetek are also not using granite motors as they have already stated they are using mige motors, perhaps a custom design mige.
i am pretty sure there is not going to be a partnership or integration between the companies… be cool if i was wrong though.
we are speculating now on what this ‘‘new thing’’ might be, lets just hope we all benefit from it, i would be dissapointed if its just a set of pedals or a wheel, i would really like to see some kind of push in the software department but that wouldnt be worth the hype and secrecy so its definately a new product of some kind, i would like to see an advanced bluetooth module of some kind to push the hardware into another league, id buy it in a heartbeat but again they have just been too quiet about that i think its as good as a pipe dream.
New BT module is wheel side only (no change to the base, only FW), and Mika stated earlier that some vendors already have their hands on them.
Yes you are probably right, I read the announcement more carefully now, so my bad. I am totally with you on the SW side and I truly believe a telemetry based ffb if implemented right would be a game changer giving a unique competitive advantage to simucube. It could even be a “product” to be sold at a price… I guess we will know more in 3 weeks.
ohhh i see… well that makes sense
True. New Ascher should have it.
I hope there is less to the story than I read here. Because I am very satisfied with my SimuCube2. The Truedrive software in particular is simply brilliant. I know that’s not what everyone thinks. But adjusting the behavior of the wheelbase to my needs with the slew rate is super easy and very effective.
i dont think anybody thinks true drive is bad… it has just stayed somewhat static for a long time with minor updates fixing bugs and stuff rather than really stretching what could be done i guess. doesn’t stop it from being amazing in its own right though.
Well, Moza is doing something interesting with their EQ, but then it becomes difficult to understand also when different simulators convey sand/grass/etc effects to slightly different frequencies, making that EQ difficult to use as user needs to know what frequency the sim is giving the signals, and thats not easy to analyze if you are not an engineer.
We also have ideas on how to improve and streamline some of the filtering options in True Drive, but then there is always the community backslash if we change / remove filter options to enable better ones to be placed there instead. So that is one of the reasons why the filters haven’t seen any notable developments. But we are working on things that would outweigh the community’s discomfort of us streamlining some of the options in True Drive. The new product we will soon reveal, includes large portions of the background work we have done during the last two years.
One of the first in line to improve in True Drive, is to remove separate directInput filter settings and replace them with just one, as we are close to finalizing the project where we added Linux support and did rebalancing and partly rewriting all the directInput filter code.
thanks for letting us know that, its good to know that you guys are working on things to improve our experience further.
i do understand what you mean about playing with frequencies and the user not really understanding what frequencies relate to what effects in game but i think having the option there to enable user experimentation can only be a good thing. I think in that instance it becomes more about discovery than needing to know what frequency does what if you know what i mean, being able to play with frequencies and boosting them in certain areas will enable users to find that eureka moment where the effect they want to feel coming through more is found, i think this would greatly improve the profile sharing aspect as people would be able to share far more varied and unique setups with others.
im not even sure how possible this is to implement, maybe its far too much work to consider, maybe not, i dont know but in my mind it sounds like a cool concept that will only expand on what the user can experience.
As for the community backlash when altering filters, in my personal opinion i think you should not worry too much about what the community thinks, you guys are the experts and we are just the users hoping for the best possible experience and we have to trust what you guys decide to do as you will clearly only do something in order to bring improvements. The backlash would only possibly happen if we lose effects to tune ourselves because (in my opinion) i think one of the strengths of truedrive is the flexibility it offers us and it would be a shame to see that shaved down… but again, i think most of us would respect your expertise enough to know any changes are likely for the positive.
thanks again for always being on top of things and spending time in the forums, that is excellent for the community.
But actually we have a 2 band EQ which is completely sufficient. For a long time I looked at tips on Youtube & Co, also setups for other manufacturers. But what I get is not what I want. X Band EQ’s aren’t as cool as you might think. At least not for our hobby. They are essential for instruments or homerecording. But not for sim racing.
For example, “kerbs” bothers you. (All values are fictitious, because I adapt the “kerbs” differently for me) Once you drive over them at 60 km/h, then at 150 km/h and then at 290 km/h… 3 Different frequencies for every track, every curve and every vehicle. It’s a solution that definitely works! But a multi-band EQ is not the best solution. A compressor which we already have from GD solves the problem much more easily. But nobody uses it, everyone thinks the full slew rate is the best. I use the Slew-Rate…So I’m not attacking the frequency itself, I’m attacking how the frequency rises. Going this route gives you a maximum on “detail”, but at the same time you can get rid of those pesky “kerbs”, accidents and collisions. Use the Slew Rate!
However, I have to admit that GD isn’t exactly propagating the slew rate. Although GD totally stands out from the crowd and has a wheelbase that is superior to any other.
Use the slew rate!!!
How community resistance to dumbing down settings stops from adding NEW filters?
Come on Mika, nobody objected on improved or better filters. We have actually been asking about them constantly over the years. Yes, many of us had raised concerns on losing the ability to having options when it comes to filters and sliders (like for example when the simplified tuning was introduced to TD). Sure there was also fuss with the community for Paddock causing delays, but still a lot of testing and bug reporting by the community helped in improving it and that is really the purpose of the community. I am quite sure that if you came up with a suggestion on replacing a filter with an explanation on what the improvement is and why it is needed, nobody would have a problem. On the contrary we would try to help and provide input/ideas/beta test etc. So please if you have ideas on filters development, please share them with us.
Also when you say the new product includes large portions of the background work, what does this mean? Does this concern current SC2 Owners, or it is going to be specific to the new product which will be unrelated to us?