iRacing and Simucube 2

i am testing Si-Po setting right now, on gt3 cup

13.5Nm in TD on Ultimate

feels good, tweaked friction and inertia to personal preference and static FR

using the iracing Auto setting it gave me 32Nm, which fine.

driving around COTA car feels fine. now testing diffe3rent SF Reconstruction filters

I tested putting the car in the wall, impact was not bad but i did hear clipping notification every time i put it in the wall at 13.5NM

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As long as clipping notification is not heard (or the F bar in iRacing does not go all the way to red) while driving, everything is good. Crash forces are not realistic anyway.


True - but I want to test

so I kept increasing the TD force by 1% and kept crashing. In iracing both sliders are at 32NM, that what auto sets it to.

at 16NM in TD the clipping notification went away at high speed crashes.

But 13.5NM is a good force to play with. Now you can do this the other way too.

That is - set max force to 59NM and wheel force to 32NM (for ultimate) and in TD set it to 25.1NM (80% for Ultimate) and the math will give you 13.6NM and no clipping even in crashes.

Both settings get you about the same feel.

Next testing reconstruction filters, 6-7 is a good filter for iracing. but I will spend more time tweaking it,

one this is for sure, the more time you spend on TD turning the more you understand. Still a bubble help feature in future releases would be good :wink: @Mika

Adjusting just the True Drive slider does not have any effect on clipping if you counteract by using more physical steering force yourself.

True, I was using the wireless whee and I tried letting go of the wheel and holding it as well, and I know what you mean.

I am going with the later of the settings I described above. 59NM / 32NM in iracing and 25.1NM in TD.

Will the early access filters eventually come to SC2 Pro?

Those that people seem to be using in Ultimate, will. We do not know yet what people are finding useful. I do know that the sometime upcoming Reconstruction Filter v2 will be first done on Ultimate and then to larger Pro and Sport user base.

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Hello Someone use IRFFB? I need a config please

You really don’t need iRFFB with the SC2, you’ll just induce latency.

I would like to try it to notice the difference with sc2 I am very happy

Hey mate,

Have you changed your setting for the new supercars? i can’t seem to get the feeling right in true drive.


Iracing need a lot of improvement in ffb, road surface feel, sound etc as compared ro other sim.

And i had given up on iracing 1 year ago and till date, i think i have made the right choice.

I agree with you … at the level of FFB iracing with the simucube2 it is very bad. Many instead say that it is the best …

Ya, in true and actual fact, iracing ffb and driving feel is the worst among all sim. I am a great lover of iracing in the past, but they are not catching up fast enough to be on par with all other sim in the market. I believed with the lastest update with other sim, not mentioned which one, iracing is truely out of date.

Oh man, Tan…I just have no comeback to that.



Thats at least a very… exclusive point of view… :joy:

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Apologies in advance for spamming the thread with my noob questions.

I’ve just got my first membership and my first question is, will I be losing out on anything if I generate a steam code, then install and run the game through Steam rather than the iracing browser based method?

Shouldn’t make a difference, Paul :wink:

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But you can’t participate of iRacing discounts like Black Friday. All in all its more expensive over the time when you purchase via steam

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