The games usually sort the correct DOR automatically depending on car. But for it to work it needs to be 900 base DOR.
i understand, i will try this, thank you
So how can I reduce vibration?
What in game settings are you using? Do you have ‘Road Effects’ set too high?
the game was on SteamSale so I repurchased it… last time I asked for refund very fast, but I decided to give ACC another change.
I got way more feel out of it than the first time I tried, but somehow the ‘edge grip’ is hard to determine. In the end I raised both damping, friction and inertia, to prevent over correcting at the edge. I can feel the tires and the car now better at the cost of some suspension feel. But controlling at the limit now feels natural to me. In game I added 25% road effects for some boost of low force details.
Let me know what you think of it!
I don’t think ACC needs all these extra clutches in TD, just like AC in game dynamic damper (gyro) makes most anti-oscillatory measures redundant.
I am quite happy with these settings, but FFB is very subjective to have one size fits all.

I use TD def profile for acc with recon at 3, and the same ingame settings as Andrew here above. Really happy with that.
I wish somebody could tell me how to make this game’s ffb feel like more than a rubber band?
No road texture feel, no scrub on sliding, just really 95% rubber band.
I see the posts for good setups and they don’t differ from what I have tried…
After ams2 I have a really hard time with iceracing and Acc… Damn…
You must have different ACC then, as it is the most refined FFB on the market at the moment.
If you are after “more excitement” try to bump Road Effects up, most have it at 0 as it distracts from reading the car physics, you still get road effects just not as exaggerated.
Yes, I really think I have something wrong…
Setting road effects to 50% does not seem to add anything…
I’m not so much after excitement, just don’t want straight up rubber band feeling only(95%).
It really is weird.
Do you feel any road texture at all when driving straight?
There is no simulated road noise in AC to my knowledge, so you only get what gets to suspension and translates to steering rack.
I can clearly feel tire slip scrubbing in turns as well as bumps on the road.
But no constant road noise, I don’t think you get much on properly paved modern race track when driving on soft slick tires either.
Try lowering recon and all filters in TD, it will give you more details.
Check out settings I posted above and go from there.
Yes, thanks, I did.
I get road texture noise in a normal car even on most flat micro paved road with very fat, juicy tyres, so I would imagine it should be way more pronounced on thin racing tyres. Until I know that to not be the case I prefer some amount of that texture noise.
That part is just subjective & it makes sense we can have different opinions.
But on the slip scrubbing and road curvature it really is very vague. Driving 200+ kmh and almost no sensations, other than the momentum and slip(which seems to be just the idea of slip, not a feeling of slipping the road).
I have recon at 1 and low filters & did try those same settings.
Either I just prefer more (to me rf2 is the very least amount I’d like), or there really is something bonked in my setup for this title only…
IF I feel it as it is meant to, then I have to say that the tyre physics for ACC might be great, but the FFB, imho, holds way too little information. I understand if the title wants to go for the feel of a real wheel, if that’s the case, but then again, imho, the road texture noise is hugely missing.
That’s a big if…
I’m considering reinstalling completely… damn…
But thanks again for trying to help me out Andrew!
May be it is the way it is. It is a less exaggerated than AC, but has more nuances, but I can see that moving from something else can feel vague.
If you decide to reinstall, remove all traces of ACC in Documents folder.
im gonna give ACC a go again. tried when it first came out but asked for a refund as it was poor imho, and VR is terrible in this game too
There was an issue with dampening on release, sorted since then.
For VR, while 90fps is not attainable on current tech, reprojection or 60Hz on WMR headsets work.
And with the right settings it is easily the best looking in VR sim.
VR is still terrible compared to any other racing title especial compared to iRacing or AMS2. The cars are a blast to drive but I can never really stay hooked when everything runs and looks so bad with a 2080ti. I would much rather have the graphical fidelity of AC in VR with the FFB in ACC. Its the only title I still race on a monitor as I cant stand anything with reprojection.
Stop by at the linked thread on RD and we’ll help you fix it, afraid this is not right place to discuss VR.
But I was in the same non believers boat myself until recently.
Race cars on slicks on a track are very active in the wheel. Even high end sports cars with R compound tires are very lively but race cars take it up a notch due to mono ball bushings and other components designed for less play (comfort). The softer tires dig more into the tarmac vs gliding over it and thus changes in tarmac are much more pronounced through the wheel. If anything, you need to learn to dial out and ‘ignore’ some of the feedback as it’s not relevant to going faster. This is speaking from experience.
Another thing to note is that feel in the wheel changes also based on the compound and condition of the tire; cold/warm/overheated/new/worn/etc
well i am much more impressed with the feedback on ACC and alot better to when i tried in 2018 but the VR is still terrible. hopefully they will improve over time. i will screen shot my settings on ACC and TD shortly
@kledsen think i felt the same thing you are saying in ACC. I had tried all posted setting and somehow things didn’t seem right or enjoyable (don’t know if had screwed something up). Somehow the wheel felt more reactive than proactive and i couldn’t get the info i needed to control the car especially in off-balance conditions (with TC always off). I haven’t spent more than 15 hours in the game (i think its content is quite limited for my taste) so i wont pretend i am an expert or something. Still i played a lot with the settings and i think i reached to a point where i could feel the car and could control it. The main setting that changed everything for me is the Dynamic Damping. I felt that 100% just didn’t feel right, so i started decreasing it and found that somewhere in the area of 30%-40% it is good with no oscillations. Before doing anything else give a try of my settings, maybe these will work out for you.
Also, depending on the weight of your wheel/buttonbox you might also want to adjust upwards or downwards the Dynamic Damping, friction and inertia to make the wheel more responsive or sluggish according to your taste.
Lastly regarding the steering range/lock i had to set it to 540 (i think this is close to reality for these kind of cars) and not 1180 as there is no soft lock/hardware lock in the game (or i missed something and it is not working for me, happy to be corrected).
Anyway check this out and let me know if it worked for you.