I’m playing devils advocate a little here, but I understand the safety considerations.
When they interfere with the basic functions of the wheel (drifitng for example in the rally cars) and break the immersion, then that’s no good.
I think we can have safety without it breaking things.
Yeah, I was thinking of any use cases where the 45 degrees would cause issues. Maybe 90 degrees would be better. Also smooth ramp-up of FFB over several seconds when user releases e-stop is something we are considering.
One might guess that some new developments have taken a priority. However, on the firmware side, the benefit is added smoothness of effects, and well tested Simucube Wireless Wheel support, plus a few bug fixes.
I’m testing the latest build myself at home with Simucube firmware, but not quite there yet - we need one added API feature implemented to IONI before we can release.