SimuCUBE firmware 0.10 series bug reports

you still need to debug that 0! :smiley: :joy:

I’m throwing in the towel…

hint: it is either 1 or an impossibly large value (supposed to be -1). It is related to physical user action with the hardware.

hmmm…I’m probably still going around in circles but is it something to do with voltage regulation/over voltage control and measurement?
I’m likely falling deeper down the rabbit hole here, learning about LIN/CAN Bus microcontrollers. Then into regenerative resistors which seemed relevant as they are on the IONI Cube and help monitor sudden spikes that cause over voltage when high inertial load is stopped rapidly (in the case of a fast moving motor used in DD devices), which converts kinetic energy (the spinning motor) into electrical current that has to be dissipated - hence the Regenerative resistor.
This is pretty cool stuff to learn as it’s what we do when we turn the steering wheel against the motion of the drive (this is where our FFB/resistance comes from I’m guessing).

But, I’m probably off on some wild tangent again! This is very complex electronics.

And I haven’t even had my morning coffee yet!

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much simpler than that. You will just have to turn the wheel :wink:

interesting, so if I turn the wheel all the way clockwise until it reaches the bump stop I get this crazy big number of ‘4294967295’ (is that 4.29 billion?), and if I turn all the way counter-clockwise I get ‘1’.
What does it mean?

its just an indicator for bumbstop active left or right.There was a suspect case a while back - no forces were being generated while bumbstops were enabled, so I added a simple indicator for it. :slight_smile: I had no time to change unsigned integer to signed one so that -1 would work right…

Thank you!
Now I can get back to racing