Simucube 3 on the horizon?

Not interested in arguing about this. Just telling you what I’m hoping for in SC3. Whether or not you think SQR is adequate is irrelevant: the rest of the industry has moved on.

The Asetek QR adapter has a small cable that attaches to the wheel, but once that’s done you don’t have to think about it. There are also people who have managed to integrate it completely into the wheel. This is why so many wheels are now shipping with a hole to access the USB from within the base.

Watch some of Dan Suzuki’s recent streams. He’s already built a prototype powered+data QR. Because this problem is annoying practically everyone (including him).

The community wants this. It’s objectively better to have power and data integrated. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want this too, other than a heavy dose of post-purchase confirmation bias. :joy:

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Come on, it is absolutely the worst QR on the market today, slow and awkward to use, bulky, with hazardously sticking out pin looking for things to catch on, getting stuck most of the time, requiring heavy pounding if not rubber mallet to get things disconnected, not to mention absence of data and power communication to the wheel.
Any 3rd party QR is an improvement over it, take cheap Buchfink Q1R or more expensive Xero-Play. I pick any of those any time of the day over SC QR.
Should I mention recent bad batch of QRs when they just put “stickers” in the box to keep things from wobbling.


It’s clearly not, people are just full of nonsense nowadays. How is it slow and awkward? Sorry to be frank but you are just talking crap

How is the Xero play better when the tolerances between two quick releases are not the same? I’ve seen more than a few that need adjusting everytime you change a wheel as they are not the same

How is a tapered quick release with absolutely no play worst than the QR’s you have mentioned above?

No you don’t need to do this. I’ve addressed all your unnecessary concerns above

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Demonstration of using this incredibly “slow and cumbersome QR”


Looks like emotions get the best of you.
I’ve personally used bunch of them and SC is my least favorite for the reasons outlined, I’ve switched to 3rd party and never looked back.
If you prefer SC QR over others you personally used, it’s fine, articulate where did you find SC QR superior, without shouting and resorting to insults. After all we don’t have to agree on everything.


So which one is it now? The worst or your least favourite? It seems my statement that you took as an insult is correct

I admit to remove a wheel, the QR is a nightmare, you have to use force to pull out the wheel


You completely left out the part where you have to fumble with the cable :joy:


Look man, it is what it is. Nothing is perfect. But you’re burying your head in the sand here.

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Did I say I don’t want it?? Where??
What I said is that, at the moment, the present solutions can’t deliver enough power for Fe F1 like wheels. And that I don’t get live telemetry data neither.
Look Fe at the Simucube special edition Gomez wheel. Even it could connect with wireless you still would need power from an active hub.

And: please don’t put statements in my mouth that I didn’t make.

And: while we’re at it, the suggestion that I’m only writing “against” powered QR’s because they’re better than what I have is pretty insulting.

The industry went on:

The powered QR is in almost all cases just another instrument to maintain an established customer lock-in system.

Look, no vendor lock in. Any USB wheel can be used.
But we already know that USB is a no go for the next gen SC, they shut that door with yet another proprietary protocol.

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If I had an Asetek DD I would have access to their QR system anyway. The companies I have wheels from/I would buy wheels from are all on the list of those who were granted access.
What I like very much is the fact that Asetek takes a total opposite approach, that they don’t want to force you to use their wheels with their base. Asetek really understands:

A) it’s not good be in a free market and, once you are in, immediately start to establish a market where you are free to choose your customers, but your customer is not free to choose freely from the market.

B) the way you do business isn’t focused on profits, but a very good product, added value for customers. This way profits are an almost guaranteed side product.

And in general :
you either drive or are driven, you lead or you are lead. It doesn’t matter if you are lead by a human or money . Both are your master, which leaves you with the role of the servant.

I am quite amazed on all this fuss and discussion just for the QR… The existing QR does the job absolutely fine. In its engineering simplicity, it is lightweight and sturdy as hell, while it ensures 0% failure from use (aside from the faulty batch that can happen to all Companies). If you don’t like it, there are plenty alternatives in the market. Owning an SC2 pro since 2019 and 3 wheeIs with their QRs, I never had an issue and honestly it does not take any effort to change wheels. Of course it would be nice for it to be a bit quicker and to be able to provide power to wheels, but I guess this is something that we are going to see in the SC3. But is this a reason for Simucube to replace SC2 with an SC3 just for the QR? Absolutely not. Knowing Simucube for the last 5 years and seeing their recent products (Active Pedals), I assume that if they are going to bring an SC3 to the market, they will take their time and R&D to provide something that is going to be revolutionary and for sure their selling point will not be on the QR. I cannot think of how they can improve on the actual motor/electronics from an SC2, but I have no idea what technological advancements have been made since 2019.
On the downside, my expectation is that SC3 is not going to be on competitive pricing. Considering the recent example of the Active Pedals I believe that Simucube will target the super high end customers, so probably most people will not be able to buy it. Perhaps they will continue the SC2 line or maybe even provide a refresh of it with lets say a couple of things like a new QR. In any case though, I seriously doubt that Simucube would try to get a piece of the pie on the lower NM and lower prices market which is already too saturated. At the same time, I believe that Simucube have sold (and continue to sell) a vast number of SC2 units (it cannot be compared to the SC1 units sold) and they will not abandon these users, nor “force” them to upgrade.
But apart from all this, what many people have been saying for quite some time now is that Simucube needs to improve on the software side, which is something that they seem to be working on.

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Guys, this is getting silly.

By 2019 standards SQR was very good.

By 2024 standards, it is not.

It’s not that it got functionally worse. It’s that the industry has developed objectively better solutions.

The colloquial wisdom on practically every forum (apart from maybe this one) is that one of the first things you do as a new SC2 owner is to replace the QR (which is more painful than it should be given the non-standard bolt pattern).

Nothing is perfect. The SC2 Pro is still regarded by most as the best base to buy right now. But the QR is not good. And yes it matters.

This thread was a fun speculation thread, but it’s no longer interesting to me :). It’s too difficult to talk about a product that people have already bought, especially given the price point, and have an informative discussion.

Take care guys.

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This has been silly from the beginning in case you haven’t noticed. You came to this forum not to really ask a question from us the users (who could give you some real feedback/opinion) but instead you have been trying to convince everybody here that the QR is very important (sorry but we cannot all have the same opinion) and that Simucube needs to bring a new product solely for a new QR. Did you really expect a definite response from Simucube on this in order for you to make an informed decision?

None of us claimed that the current QR is up to today’s standards and we would obviously expect an updated one more up to standards for the SC3 (when it comes). I don’t think anybody disagreed on that.

I also find your comment “its too difficult to talk about a product that people…” kind of insulting considering that a lot of people here spent time to respond to somehow help you out on your decision. But because we do not exactly agree with your opinion/wish, you lost interest… Ah well, sorry…
What did you really expect to achieve, that everybody here will start pushing Simucube to hurry and bring a new wheel with a new QR?

To put an end to this, all of us who have invested in Simucube, did it for: 1. the superior FFB, 2. quality & 3. support. If these 3 matter to you, you will get an SC2 now or wait for an SC3 (unknown when), otherwise look elsewhere. In any case, despite what you think, we are a welcoming community here in this forum trying to actively help people with their simucubes and their issues/queries, etc.

Good luck with your decision.


I’m with Panschoin here. You make blanket statements as if they were self-evident. But to many of us, they’re not.

I have 2 wheels, one of which I only keep as a backup. So, for me, the current QR is more than good enough.

And somehow the discussion has shifted. Initially it was about helping you decide between SC2 now, Asetek now, or wait for SC3. We now know that SC3 is not coming anytime soon. Which QR system it will use is pure speculation at this point.

To summarize, SC2 QR is what it is, and SC3 QR is unknown. So what do we gain by harping on the fact that SC2 QR is not cutting edge anymore?

What else are you trying to get from this discussion? A commitment from GD that they’ll implement a QR that you like? An agreement from all of us that SC2 QR is not good enough? You’re not going to get either. So, yes, maybe it’s time to move on.


i replaced the sc2 qr with either xero play or D1 spec qr’s, i have both available. the default sc2 qr is solid but is too clunky and getting a wheel off sometimes needs a bit of “persuasion”, i’m much happier with the D1 spec i’m currently using,

someone needs to make a universal qr that works on all things, i’m fed up with all the propriety crap sqeezing it’s way into the dd market


Regarding the QR, I can comment that there is no such thing as standard QR for simracing, and likely never will be. All manufacturers want to keep their component supply close to them. Its always best to produce one’s own components with one’s own drawings and one’s own tooling and suppliers, that way the supply and lead times are always known. And the fact that some want to use a proprietary protocol (Fanatec) with mandatory wheel side part that communicates so that even FFB will work (vendor lock) where as others do completely different electrical connector scheme on the QR, is the key thing that makes standardization impossible.

You should not worry too much about our plans for the QR; we know what to improve and where the other ones are going. The lead times and prototyping iterations for QR are one thing that one would maybe start a wheel base design project without actually starting to design a new wheel base…

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And one thing is sure: a Simucube 2 QR doesn’t offer a wheel to come off the base, it’s just impossible. It therefore is the safest solution. It has a quite simple job, to attach the wheel to the DD, not more not less.

Out of a reflex I initially thought this is about help, but it is about convincing to admit something. I won’t, until it’s correct.

It takes 5 seconds to take off a wheel, and 3 to attach it. The difference comes from one time removing the pin, one time inserting, which is a bit easier :joy:

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Just one recent example of customer struggling with SC QR.
I have tried OEM QR when I got my SC2 Pro, did not like it a bit, and switched to Q1R I’ve used with OSW for years as soon as could get my hands on 70mm adapter.
Thanks to SRG for detailed instruction on how to upgrade.
I completely understand GD position though, they could only ship the product with QR design of their own or no QR at all.
The design is novel and, as we could see with Asetek, can be improved upon to become one, if not the best QR on the market.
I just wish we could stay with standard USB protocol, when you can just use the same wheel with detachable USB cable or having USB communicate via QR.
All these proprietary solutions do not pass the test of time, happened before and will happen again.
Just look at Logitech proprietary wireless protocol for example, history now in favor of standard BT.
Or desupported Accessory port on SC or even proprietary wireless BT protocol now requiring Simucube Link dongle to use outside SC ecosystem or even with SC3, solution to the problem that could have been avoided if standard BT was used instead.