Simucube 3 on the horizon?

I wasn’t talking about Asetek vs Simucube products, just about my reception of the BM video?

But since you asked, I don’t think Asetek has anything to offer that would improve things for me personally. I frankly also don’t believe that Asetek have reinvented the DD wheel in general, but I still lack personal experience to say how the driving feels on their products compared to my SC2 ULT. With other products I’d definitely expect improvements from something that releases 4 years later, but in the DD world a lot of the very experienced people seem to say that there’s not much to be actually improved on in terms of FFB.

For me to even think about switching to them the FFB would have to be significantly better to switch to a wheelbase with less NM, and a (subjectively speaking) much less appealing design that’d probably also require a proprietary mount for my cockpit. Also, whether true or not, the likelihood that they paid YT channels for reviews definitely turns me off in general.

Oh, BM was always a click-bait shill, no doubt.

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I’m used to force to remove my wheel from the QR base side, I hope it will not break too much with my force :slight_smile:

Has anyone tried a bit of PTFE spray to prevent the two pieces from binding?

is it normal to force to remove the wheel ? Sometimes I need to really force.

I don’t know bro, is it a tiny tolerance in the QR, a material fatigue, an extension? When I received my wheels 3 years ago I attached them the first time, adjusted the wheel base side of the QR and since then never touched it again. Wheel off, wheel on, pin in, done. I don’t have to use no force at all, never used any greasing or spray.

I have searched on the forum there are already multiple posts about QR stuck…seems common

well its the most probable issue that one could have with this QR. You must also remember that those that do not have any issues, do not post such on the forum. A few postings on our forum does not make it a common issue.

so is it an issue ? sad, what do I need, new QR ? I will have new QR side and base, cause I have accidently damage them, I hope it will fix this (I have bought all the QR and base in the simucube 2 store…)

Edit : I have one QR from simracing bay and it’s not the same from Simucube 2 store, the simracingbay one is more black, more anonised, more soft.

Think that is just another batch with a different finish. Function wise it looks the same.

How did you damage it, and what is the damage like?

i had 2 wheel side SC2 QR’s, one was also darker and shinier than the other, they also had big tolerances between them, i couldn’t fine tune it any other way than one of them was normal and the other was really really tight to get the pin in, if i loosened it anymore then the normal one was too loose

it was the biggest reason i decided to just get rid of the SC2 QR

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long story :grin: case closed with the simucube support…

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the issue I have is not the pin, I can put in or out, the issue is to detach the wheel side QR from the base side QR…


(I need at least 20 characters…)

Maybe a bit of QR feedback based on my DD wheel experience over the past 10 years: I have used quite a few real automotive QR’s, almost all would wear out in a 6-9 month period, from cheap eBay clones, to more expensive racing QR’s.

I have used the Q1R extensively, still have 3 or 4 here. I once almost ripped myself to bits when the clamping-bolt disintegrated, running my Bogeyman at around 40NM level. Due to the torque of the base, I had to increase the clamping-force of the lever, to the point where the bolt stretched to much under load, and let go.

Pretty badly injured myself back then, and whilst Holger did make good in sending me a few replacement bits, I searched for a new QR. When I started testing the prototype SC2, it came without the release version of the SC2 QR, back then, I already had a few of the XeroPlay units.

They do work very well, but tbh, the aluminium do tend to seize together at the force-levels I run, so similar to the SC2 QR, I also have to give my wheels a whack if I want to remove them. I rate both the SC2 original and the SC2 QR on the same level, both mechanically very good and operating as designed.

If you want to avoid the seizing after extended use, simply add a bit of silicone grease to the coupling. But as a simple mechanical interface, the SC2 QR is a very good design. I have been using good quality coiled (diy) thick usb cables, wound around my hub, as such, not fazed by wireless vs non-wireless.

Can understand the need for wireless QR’s, and will not be surprised to see something new from GD themselves. But just to reiterate, as a mechanical interface, the current SC2 hub is a very good design.


I remember your post on broken Q1R bolt. 40Nm, oh my. :scream:
Thought you completely moved to XeroPlay after that?
I really like simplicity of Q1R and that in case of small variations between units it just takes quick 1/8 turn or less twist of thumb screw to make it perfect, as well as adjust tightness of the clamp. And removal is always is breeze, it just never gets stuck.

Really looking forward to what GD will come up next for their QR.

@Andrew_WOT Haha, yeah, that wasn’t fun when it let go, was running the old DW12 into a tight, fast turn, and torque was right up there, when it decided it had enough. Was quite an exercise not to have a complete roll-over in my rig :frowning: But for sure agreed, the Q1R was and is still a very good unit, suitable for most!

I did completely move over to the XeroPlay, good memory you have! Nice units, but like mentioned, they do seize up a bit when running higher torque-levels. Nothing a sharp whack on the rim doesn’t fix, I do find a bit of lube prevents this though.

Let’s see what Simucube guys come up with in the future……they do have very good design-engineers onboard.


I started this thread wondering what to buy and I decided to go with SC2. Very excited to eventually get the product. I am going to start with the SQR but maybe one day switch. no rush in that department.



As a bonus, nobody here will tell you that you made the wrong choice :wink:

Hi, just to clarify that the SC2 Ultimate has a better (faster) slew than the Invicta 27NM DD wheel. People need to consider all the data, not only partial data.

The SC2 U has a higher total torque, by approximately 5NM, @ 32NM vs the Invicta 27NM. Hence taking a fraction longer to reach the total max torque. If we were to normalise torque levels, the Ulitmate would reach it (27NM) faster, vs the Invicta, Ultimate 9.5NM/ms (2.842ms) vs Invicta 9.4NM/ms (2.872ms). Nothing in it at the end, but seeing the Invicta proponents are splitting hairs….

Funny how certain people believe a few-years old hardware/software snapshot of the Simucube 2 hardware used in the Invicta base, can outperform the OEM. Sigh.

Anyway, I am not sure any DD manufacturer should use slew rate as a differentiator, if anything, wheels feel much closer to realistic when you dip below the 3.5NM/ms level. One of the reasons I mentioned many times that the SC2 Pro is my recommendation for most guys, if 25NM satisfies their requirements. It just feels more natural, the best of the SC2 series.

Only reason I would recommend the Ultimate over the Pro, is if pros need higher torque, and not because of the feel. The Ultimate needs to be detuned to feel less chatty, it reminds me a lot of my old Lenze OSW of the 2016 era, which was way to busy and reactive. A lot of these youtoobers have no idea about these technical matters and simply regurgitate specs from the specsheet, or listen to the marketing hype.

Slew-rate falls in the same category as inertia. Higher slew, same as lower inertia, doesn’t make for a better, more realistic wheel. Just IMHO of course. The only thing that the SC2 series might benefit from for end-users, is a wireless QR system. In every other area, it’s are ahead of all other DD wheels in all respects.

As a company, I can see benefits to Simucube if they were to design a SC3, to end users, not so much, other then the wireless QR. And yes, I am willing to go head-head with any of the current crop of youtoob experts where DD wheels are concerned. Might be interesting to setup a lab with a few of them, and run a blind-test setup :slight_smile: