Simucube 2 True Drive software feedback thread

ah, ok. So its the 360 degree bug, which we will be fixing next. Not related to the .12 or .13.

ahh okay gotcha.:slight_smile:

In fact, I only got it to consume any CPU power when the tab was active and the scan was running.

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I don’t even go to wireless page and have 7% load from this process, this is on i9-9900k.
Good share of us don’t even care about wireless function, why punish everyone with it?

I do have a load from it when I have the tab open, but not when I have another tab open. Can you recheck your measurement? maybe its something machine specific?

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Yes Mika, happens only on that tab.

Taking a look at this, it appears that Qt’s QProgressbar UI widget does indeed have some issues regarding CPU consumption. Great that we have a good mitigation in place for that for the overview -tab (refresh rate slows down to conserve CPU when the application is not the foreground app or when the overview tab is not visible). Might need to look into other optimizations at some point.


Would it be difficult to add a checkbox; wireless: enabled/disabled ?


it is not needed for this.

Suggestion, is it possible to add bubble help or similar. Meaning when you mouse over or add a ? Mark to each setting. So that users can get a refresher on what each option does.

  • Some tabs like Advanced information missing vertical scroll bar, requiring resizing of the whole app to see all options on the screen.
    Perhaps making them all scrollable like Profiles tab is better for consistency and user experience.
  • Would be really nice if wireless scan had permanent disable option. Pretty sure I had some occasional stuttering in sims when it was up and scanning.
  • Enable High Torque Mode, can we just have simple confirmation dialog instead of that “scroll to the right first and click yes”, that’s clunky and, no offense, a bit silly design just to start wheel base in intended for normal operation mode.
  • Red led blinking during normal operation. Red is usually reserved for abnormal conditions, operating in high torque mode is not. That actually put me on alert, looking for where the problem is.
  • Profile renaming, placement of Profile name edit box along the settings is not the most intuitive place. Rename button next to Add, Delete, Copy, etc buttons meant for profile management would probably make more sense. And yes, took me a while to find out how to name profile.
  • And as Cyberbug suggested, tool tips are a must.

The graphic bar moving along all screen is not needed, a WiFi icon with 3 waves only is all what we need to know if scan is enabled

I would say that the wireless scan isn’t needed all the time so why scan all the time?
I suggest a manual button to check if there is a wireless wheel. You can eliminate an unnecessary process which consumes performance.

Besides that i second that what Andrew and Cyberbug wrote, tool tips would be great, also removing this High torque slider and the color codes of the LEDs could be reworked.

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As I said, it does not consume performance. Only the indicator does.

Another small request that’s a minor thing but I’ll ask anyway.

Is it possible to have TD remember it’s last opened window size?

Every time it’s opened, it’s too small and I have to resize it to see all of the information. I know you can scroll up and down but I prefer to see all of the settings at once.

Great suggestions, however some of them are not very high on the todo list. Window scaling will be fixed when Qt finally gets their 5.14 version out.

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hi mika,the translate function / language selection in td seems to be still inactive, do you have any plan on making it work? i remember it was an option also with sc1, but i think it wasn’t active on that too…am i right? thanks

Its a leftover from Simucube 1 software. We are unsure on whether or not to get the software translated or not.

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Active BT discovery cannot come for free, besides performance impact, does not matter how small, there is also potential interference with other devices.
Why is it not manual BT pairing like everywhere else?

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The discovery runs on the separate microcontroller on the wireless chip, so there is no overhead.

Manual pairing makes things just more difficult to use. Simucube should be easy to use.