Simucube 2 True Drive software feedback thread

I took advantage of your message to introduce a video that I’m preparing, I know you’re someone you can talk to. I can’t wait to find out what’s new in Tuner… I’m a super satisfied user of the product but a little disappointed with the timing of innovation which in the road map at the launch hinted at something else. I am also a passionate user tired of hearing about Direct Drive motors from people who are remotely unable to understand the differences between one motor and another, but still manage to move a very large user base, fueling the idea that it is enough to write Ultimate, Ultra or even just direct drive that speaks to a comparable product.
With the fact that putting my hands on it always seems to become subjective, I did a test in which I remove my hands, and I don’t do it at home, but I had three super happy Simagic U users do it, to avoid confusion. 'idea that I could manipulate the test, you will be amazed to see and understand how other brands do to simulate a servo control… I hope Mika will appreciate…

I’m into open wheelers and rally cars, and I have some thoughts about the future of simracing:
Some months ago I wrote about an app called “BMIG/DIFF Control” from Schmawlik. Misc - [Car Data] F1 BMIG and DIFF Control | Page 12 | RaceDepartment
The latest car from VRC, the Formula alpha 2023, is by far the most complex, most sophisticated AC car so far. And it comes with absolute new technology, settings and innovations we have never seen before in Simracing. And it’s a collaboration from VRC with Schmawlik that implements his whole software.
The reasons I write about this are diverse:
Setting options are literally endless. The need for more buttons, rotaries or multifunctional switches at the steering wheel will again increase. That said the wireless system of Simucube has either to be extended (I think 25 settings are the maximum now), or the market for them to sell steering wheels will shrink.
Car setup is already a science for itself, but I’m sure that RSS will respond to VRC with something at least on the same level. And here comes the connection to the capabilities of a DD: the precision, speed and limitations will be the important facts. Tiny changes in the car settings will produce small, but important differences on how the car responds, we feel the track. And this are the real qualities from the Simucube 2 product line. Just torque and a fancy name won’t do it.

very interesting, i think future improvements will have to come from simulators… as hw we are ahead.

Absolutely, that is my very point: racing titles are like dinosaurs. Not a single one is up to date, has been developed for DD, high quality pedals Aso. Fe F1 titles: year after year they throw a new product on the market. Compared to the FFB quality that AC has (something I realised with these sophisticated, modded cars from different groups and gifted folks) these titles are just nothing. If you look at Content Manager, Pur, Sol, all these wonderful python apps, the work from pyyer we see what is possible when it’s done with passion and a deep love for something. Gaming needs a kids attitude too, a business model only will maybe generate profit, but never an amazing product.


Hi Mika,Hi all. Have a happy new year!
Regarding TD 2023.10.1, I tried it switching from 2021.12. What I noticed is that when I switched from a profile in which the only filter activated was friction to 10 anythinq else to 0 just ULLM to 16 (direct imputs all default), when I set the friction slider to zero, the steering wheel moved to the right about 30 degrees and when I turned it, it was no longer smooth but encountered some obstacles (like magnet feel) at intervals of around 30 degrees, something like Fanatec DD1, only that those intervals were not so close like DD1. When entering in the game (ACC) that hops disappear and the wheel back to the normal position. After switching back to the old driver, everything returned to normal. Has anyone else noticed this?.

This sounds very odd. Certainly the ULL filter does not have any software connection to how the motor controller works - they are calculated on different microcontrollers on the hardware. Does it always behave like this?

Is not ULL filter. Just friction filter. When increased back friction filter, the wheel goes to the normal position.
I have not tried with damper filter because i dont use it.

thats odd; friction filter hasn’t been changed after 2020, it should operate exactly the same.

Ok, Thanks for your answears. I’ll stick with the old driver, for now work the best for me. All good things Mika.

yeah, I’m always very interested in bug reports but this appears to be something “funny” as if there was a bug, we would have heard or seen many reports about this. Maybe some parameter corruption inside the the device right after fw update or something like that :thinking:

Hi Mika. I reinstalled the new driver and no more issue. Maybe first time was some type of glitch.
BTW some news about last driver or still in tests?

We could have released it last week but some other work got in the way. I have reserved Tuesday this upcoming week to get the loose ends together for release.


Did you guys sort out that resonance (grit) reported by few testers?

that is one of the remaining items to analyze before release.

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I tried the new one 2024.3 (ACC and LMU) but feeling is not so reactive and it is somewhat lacking in details with dead zone in the center. I specify that I did not use any filter. With reconstruction filter “off” or 1 as recommended is very noisy and sand feel and the car seems to have wooden wheels without rubber. Anyway it’s not to my liking and reverting to the old one.

Hello everyone
I can’t see in which tab this setting is mentioned. Could you please tell me?
“The last tab in True Drive will indicate HighDataRateFFB when the mode is active”

Sounds similar to this issue.

I remember getting cursed for the statement that even with reconstruction filter off it’s pretty good to drive.
Now, recon off is not heresy but
a recommended setting.

Default profile setting doesn’t work for me now more. It’s impossible to get it work. Even activating another profile, then going back doesn’t work.

The experimental filter: I apply a value, close, and then have to rely on you telling me it’s working and it’s applied. Because the next time I open the setting it’s at zero again. Without an indicator (active, not active) it’s a total “guess/maybe” situation. IF it is something you think it’s a good thing, why make it not “on/off”, not providing the value active at the moment? Rather than “believe me, it’s on”, and “it’s so good that we didn’t make it a permanent choice. We let you set it over and over again”.

The “high ffb data rate FFB” isn’t clear to me neither. Is it for Iracing only, or for other games aswell? Where/when/why does it show up, and how should we determine what a high rate is, and what not? Should it be on or not, or is it broken, or deprecated

What exactly is “Constantforce Damping”? I have it activated in the debug information, in the info tab, although I don’t have any damping applied.

Is that information from @Mika , that all slew rate above 1.5Nm isn’t helpful in simracing an obsolete statement now? Like “recon off is as stupid as it can get” is obsolete?

The latest TD release delivers a very different sensation: weaker, less precise, spongy.

Not recommended, but worth to test. And only with iRacing 360 Hz feedback which is not released by iRacing yet.

What is “default profile setting”? I don’t understand your report.

Experimental settings are meant for testing. Probably if you don’t get the idea on what to test, you shouldn’t do the testing.

Only for iRacing. No other games have such low FFB update rate otherwise.

When the mode is ON, it will appear in the firmware status bits:


iRacing enables it automatically.

iRacing controls the torque to the wheelbase via Directinput’s ConstantForce effect. It also always creates a Damping effect, but does not use it in any way.

No, recon off is not the new recommended setting. It may be worth to try because I feel that reconstruction filter at 1 is a bit too “rubbery” feeling to me right now when I drive with the iRacing 360 Hz mode, and we need to gather feedback and re-tune the filter / release reconstruction filter v2 that would be the best option.

Probably placebo as there are no other FFB related changes to firmware. It is impossible for the firmware to feel different from release to release when no code changes have been made.

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Paddock, profile, use profile xy as default: it doesn’t accept the setting no more. When I push “set as default” it isn’t marked as default.

Constant damping: it’s active although I don’t have Iracing.

Shouldn’t test: all I say is it’s not clear for the user that it’s really active. Even something experimental should give an indicator of beeing activated or not.

Or: ESPECIALLY something experimental and new should let the user know that it’s working, that it’s actually active. Alternatively you can implement a box labelled: Guess, it’s on or off.