Simucube 2 True Drive Paddock - Feedback and suggestions

Create a new profile in Paddock, then edit it’s FFB settings. There is a button to import settings from a Classic profile from the device. This feature is in release 2021.9.

Not sure why this happened when I launched the ‘with paddock’ version.

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That looks really strange indeed.

Any details about your PC?

It seems that due to some misconfiguration, creating new user accounts into Paddock has not worked yesterday. Issue is now fixed, and we are looking into improving error handling that caused this to happen.

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hi, so I just downgraded to 2021.4_4 because for the time being I decided to go with the last release that doesn’t contain paddock. problem is, everytime I start td it says I have an active online profile, despite having deleted everything related to 2021.9 from the pc. it also prevents me to access my classic profiles, the only way to do so is to add a new profile, which “unlocks” the profiles stored in classic mode.
is there any way to get rid of that, or does that mean once you go online there is no turning back, even when installing pre-paddock td releases?

Its mostly bugs in that firmware version. We only support 2021.9 now.

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yes I imagined it was due to a fw bug, anyway I solved by rebooting the pc

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This may be a very stupid question but…is it possible to use profiles from a SC2 Pro to SC2 Sport?

In my opinion, it should work.
Just keep in mind that 80% on SC2 Pro is different than on the Sport :).

How do I remove a profile from “My profiles”?
How do I make my own profile without sharing it online?

This new UI is really confusing.

click it (hower mouse, eye icon) then there is delete -button on the menu.

All your profiles in Paddock are private. You need to separately publish it if you want others to see it. You can also unpublish it. Buttons are in the same menu.

Changelog has been gathered for the next release:


so the next release marks the end of td classic?

Funny. I was having a look today if some new version is up and now you post the changelog. :rofl:

Are you doing some backend stuff cause bitdefener warned me that it blocked the communication to AWS from paddock?

Any chance for 2021.9 hotfix for R3E bug.
2021.11 seems like a lot of Paddock only changes and loss of Classic which is not what everyone is looking forward to.


No backend changes were being done today.

Unfortunately it would take a bit too much work and would confuse users to release two different 2021.11 releases.

It may be possible that we will release a separate tool to download Classic profiles from a device that runs a classic firmware to be used to import them to Paddock,so that users would not need to get the 2021.9 release + firmware update in between migrating.


That would be really helpful for some of us. I was put off from doing the upgrade due to needing to carry out those extra steps.


Paddock or whatever SW without requirements for internet access and online account creation would be much better. If it works just as Classic only with different skin, who cares.