Simucube 2 True Drive firmware: Bumpstop options

Hi all,

We are going to reduce amount of different parameters that affect bumpstops. Most likely, the ramp angle and damping will be removed once we test which setting works the best. We also want to remove setting for the strength (no reason to not have anything else than full strength) and also the setting that moves the bumpstop inside or outside the axis range, as not many are using that feature anyway.

Any thoughts? These same improvements will also trickle down to Simucube 1 firmware.

  • Leave things as is
  • Remove ramp and damping parameters only
  • Remove ramp, damping and strength
  • Remove ramp, damping, strength and the offset

0 voters

Just to add, that we will likely implement some reduction of configuration parameters, the “Leave things as is” can be thought as protest vote “resist all improvement”, and would steer us to remove all, including the offset.

Lowering strength is preferable in something like LFS, and kinda assetto. (better feeling with higher ingame ffb)

Can you explain why having full strength bumpstop affects FFB feel in those simulators?

You get more feel out of assetto, this is also what fanatec’s userguide suggests.
LFS you get less aggresive ticks in the force feedback so you don’t need as much recon, and other bandaids.

hardware(firmware) bumpstop settings do not have any effect on the FFB feel.

In my opinion, actual system for SimuCube 1 is OK. We have different motors, and without ramp and damping with mine for example, result is awful, lot of vibration. With a good setup, the result is more natural, with smooth transition in rotation of the steering wheel and the bumpstop… I’m OK, with strenght always 100% if you want to change something.

in current released Simucube1 firmware, some of the options are tied to encoder resolution (damping effect). We have now improved that and thus can make similar feeling bumpstop damping for any encoder, so there will be no need for different damper adjustments anymore.

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Then do it like that, but be prepared to go back to the old way if it does not work out well.

We will need to be able to reset the bumpstop endpoints.
Some of the pro guys want 360 degrees rotation. So I have to set the wheel rotation to 380 and bumpstop to 10 degrees.
They want 360 so that it is the same as the real IndyCar. And if they have a bad spin or crash, so that it does not break their wrists when the wheel tries to spin farther.

I would add an option to the poll, Remove Damping, Remove Strengh but keep the ramp within limits … Reason being is that the ramp angle will determine how the Bumpstops really feel where the others are really unneeded as they should always really ramp up to 100% and damping well as you said that should be determined by you as the company with what works best for the servos.

In Addition I would remove the offset and ALWAYS have the Ramp start at the wheel extents so that you do not have to forcibly turn into the bump stop to set full deg calibration.

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I think the bumpstop strength at 60% of what SC1 was with small Mige would be good if they want to lock down that setting.

Actually after further thinking… Maybe the option should be Remove the Ramp and Damper Parameters… and then make sure the Ramp starts outside of the usable wheel range as that is sort of how it should be.

Then with the strength you probably would want to limit the range to say 30% to 100% strength as you really don’t want the someone to be able to overpower the bump stops. Though you could also correct this with a emergency limit where if the range went above a certain angle beyond the base settings it ramps to 100% anyway…

lol guess there are a ton of ways to do this as you could also have a set ramp and Damping with a progressive ramp up in force the closer you get to the end of the Ramp range.

@bsohn thanks for the thoughts!

Generally, we’ve noticed that in the situation where the game is outputting torque towards the center at 100% and driver turns to bumpstop, it can’t be noticed. We could reserve some percent of peak power from the servo to just bumpstops, but then effective torque available while driving would be reduced by the same percentage. This is why I don’t really see why there should be anything else than 100% power from the bumpstop always, to make it noticeable in these situations as often as possible. Typical case where this is seen is in drifting type of simulators.

Interesting haven’t every really come across the but then again I always let he Game determine the Bumpstops rather than limiting the wheel rotation and using the SimuCUBE Bumpstops so I can see what you are saying as far as the 100% as that definitely could be the case in that situation…

My suggestions only come from thinking about some wanting a certain feel for the Bumpstops… Generally though because I never run into them I am fine with anything as long as the ramp falls outside the usable rotation… The reason for this is that the bumpstops are generally there to stop the rotation at max usable rather than create resistance before the max usable rotation. So if they are inside the usable they can make getting the full rotation from the wheel at the settings wanted difficult in some games due to calibration (especially if they ramp to 100%).

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My only reasoning for lowering the bumpstop force is because of violent accidents. I am looking at this from a safety standpoint.
If you have ever been hit while sitting still, or hit and the car start to flipping in the air I think you would understand my reasoning.

If the bumpstops are very strong and someone is in a violent accident or stuck in a wall in iRacing. If the wheel starts turning back and forth and also is hitting the bumpstop af full force then you have the violence heading back in the other direction.