Simucube 2 True Drive development roadmap

So why not lock at Unlimited then instead of dropping information on the floor. I can definitely get more details with unlimited vs 2200 you are proposing as a default.

Even SC1 wiki suggests Unlimited as recommended value.

Torque Bandwidth Limitedit | edit source
This setting is a filter point for the incoming set point information received by the IONI. The lower the setting the more smoothing due to cutting higher frequency information from the signal and in turn will slightly increase latency which result in a more dull subdued feeling at the wheel. Generally, you want to set this to as high as possible to allow for the most unfiltered information to get to the servo drive. When using the reconstruction filter it is best to set this has high as possible (usually Unlimited). Some game titles do require lower TBW settings due to excessively noisy or sharp feedback signals being implemented in their FFB signals.

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yeah, unlimited is pretty much what we are aiming for, but as said previously, there is no signal content above certain level anyway (if some filtering is used), it is irrelevant if we just set it 2200, 4700 or unlimited and remove the slider.

What new settings are you considering?

See the first post in the thread.

The only thing I see is implementing automatic running simulator detection.
Which is a very good idea to have that :blush:

Something similar to Razer and Logitech where you can map controller profiles to different executables?

Hello Mika,

Sometimes placebo effects are very difficult to understand and probably TB and other settings is just a placebo effect above a reasonable threshold. Probably excluding this filters/settings makes the code more Clear and give more usable power from cpus but I think I miss this level of flexibility a lot even if not usable.

The bump stop issues is real , some games can’t detect the axis because seems to require some degrees of deadzone after DOR range… On 900 DOR I set the bump stop range to 920 or 935 if required in some titles.

I just ask to considering the following features as ( bonus ) for this changes. Anyway I’m not a developer and the following features are only suggestions.

  1. Cloud Settings ( tab ) in true drive
    where people can share and search settings based on Sim, car , track with ( rating system! )
    I know that some driver from all classes are very happy to share their settings . This is a user generated content, is different to ask setting in a forum.
    To avoid stress on the internal mmc this settings can be loaded from local disk.

  2. Mappable bindings for true drive settings.
    This is good because someone ( GD ? ) can produce a little button module to assign settings.

  3. auto load profile based on car/track / sim when detected / the possibility for the user to define a specific profile for specific car/track

  4. Notes on profiles settings + longer names ( 32 characters if possible )

5 ) x2 switch for Recon filter ( v2 ? ) but don’t know the necessary cpu resource.

6 ) a filter that reproduces the constant road vibrations from tyres to steering wheel ( it’s not a simple rumble ). This is the very DirectDrive FX imho. This vibrations have to be associated to car speed from telemetry and the user can define the amount of this fx. Yes , recon do it is some ways but not in the same specific way.

7 ) telemetry based effects if possible. Like competitor speed dampening. useful when and if recon is set above 6 or when damping and friction are very low .

Thank you.


glad i found this thread.

no way iin hell would i voluntarily install an update like the ones proposed. absolutely bullshit.

No something similar to when you launch iRacing via the Icon in Simcommander it loads specific settings that are needed for that Sim.

Not sure if that is what Mika is talking about or not?

It’s an awful design, tail wagging dog.

I have to agree with Andrew on this one. There are a few sims like DR2 that you need to use DI setting or the wheel turns left all the time. Why not just state to set them to 100 in the user manual and only adjust them as a last step as the default setting should be 100. If the software is up to date with game releases(like nvidia drivers) im ok with taking it out if I have to wait months after release of a new one id rather just leave it the way it is now. Im not ok with what someone else thinks is an optimized driving feel. That just leaves way too much to opinion.


I have to say, there is a certain amount of preference in these settings. I have tried some that have been posted here and elsewhere and thought, geez, this guy thinks this feels right? To each his own is the point. I wouldn’t slam a Honda Accord and drive around scraping my tailpipe to the grocery, but there are guys who love that crap. Put me down as a vote for a simple mode that detects the game and offers the consensus “best” settings for it with simple tweaking available.

–Removing “torque bandwidth limit” to set it permanently on “unlimited”, I agree totally. I keep this thing set to 2200Hz anyway.
–“Ultra low latency”, not a bad idea (the check box) because it’s a little ticky to find the good value.

–But my concern is about automatic stuffs, and remonving things…
For examples in the GD profil of ACC, we have still “8” on Reco and it make no sense at all (too much). And, I know Reco, it’s not concern and I hope it will never be the case, but just to said that you will have to be updated and right (iRacing have 16 instead of 15 for the “Ultra Low latency mode”).

–Direct Imput, I dont’ know…
Ok, I didn’t touch this (I keep GD profil values), but maybe keep this things somewhere (hidden)
I didn’t try Raceroom with my SC 2 Pro.

As long as the “best” settings are not from that guy.
But who would be a judge, plus people like freedom of choice, try to enforce something and you will face the resistance just for the sake of it.

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Yes. This settings somehow, it’s a part of the all experience, like setup for the car etc… Sim racing is from nature exigent.
The apple arguments is not completely correct because of that. The context is not exaclty the same.

Like I already said on " True Drive filters, what they do and how they interact" : for some people, this settings is also a part of the pleasure of buying.

And there is already the “Simple mode” but for some people, is too difficult to just ignore the adavanced tab… :yawning_face:

EDIT: But what I see here (this roadmap), it’s ok for me ! And It’s understandable (it’s almost the limit for me).

I’d be fine with all these cuts

Maybe you do these tests with iracing, where there are no ffb micro details anyway. Put it on rFactor2 at 2200hz and then unlimited, you will feel the difference very well.
This bandwidth defines how the reconstruction filter works and not what bandwidth the ffb signal has, right? So if it’s set too low, randomly it’ll lost some information from the ffb signal. That’s why some of us feel the difference. So go for unlimited :+1:

That is exactly what makes you superior to the competition. Why do you want to remove that? It is as useful as it is.

ok, do that !!!

I never had issues with that, but if necessary, do it!

OMG, Are you serious? These are by far the most important settings in games that support this. e.g. Raceroom and Dirt Rally 2.0
Simply set a smaller and safer range 0-100% instead of 0-200%, or if you really want to do this automatic based to the game, then do it really for every game and leave a checkbox to disable undesired filters.

Thank you for your work and the great performance

best regards

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move DirectInput fine tuning sliders.
Rationale: people do not read manual and set these at random values when they do not have any effect. With automatic game detection, we can set some sliders to their correct/sensible values based on game’s own expectations and optimized driving feel.

No, no
My settings for raceroom for example

Please don’t touch it never. If kids can’t use it and set, it doesn’t means it hard. I’m a professional driver and i want to set feedback as much as i want. As i see on ACC thread, no one say me thanks for my profile settings, that means most drivers is just a noobs or dilettants. Please don’t broke possibility to tune your wheel.

I don’t understand why you want to do this? Just leave all this and upload default settings for every sim for this dilettants. Leave all their problems with their minds to his own.

that made me laugh more than needed