Simucube 2 SQR Extension

I think that Simcore extensions ( ) are more user friendly at the same price.
With adapters like the Ascher’s ones, You need 2x adapters + extension. No customs from EU to consider.

Agreed, be it that same price is not the case for EU customers because shipping costs.

The all in one solutions are awesome. But for those of you that want to use a seperate/different extension and keep your stock SC2 QR system, you can do it this way:

1st SQR 70 mm adapter to motor shaft > extension piece > 2nd SQR 70 mm adapter > stock base side QR > stock wheel side QR

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Just installed simracing bay extension hub… super nice and clean solution, thank you Tomo!


Hi Mika. If short extensions are recommended, what is the longest length I should be looking at? Thanks. Also do you recommend a motor side or a wheel side extension

Always motor-side extension, keep the QR as close to the wheel as possible……and from my experience, 60-100mm extensions are normally fine on these servos. I have used mine on a variety of MiGe servos over many years and never had any front-bearing wear, let alone failure.

Simply don’t use the wheel as a support to get in and out of your rig….


Would this be okay?

It says the it extends 80mm past the original shaft. But the overall length is 130mm. Thanks!

From my experience, that will be ok, just never use the wheel as a lever to get in and out of your rig. Like said earlier, I have personally never had any front-bearing issue on any servo using extensions….

I’m currently using it, no problems at all. You can see the picture a few posts above.

OG shaft length is 50mm, SRB one is 130mm, so SRB one “extends 80mm past the original shaft.”

I am curious to why you are using the extension? I would think one would use one to be able to get the screen closer, but you still have the screen behind the original motorside QR position.

I need to keep the monitor further from me because my eyes get tired after a while, so I guess I got the extension for the opposite reason most people are using it.


Extensions are necessary for some rigs. Not all equipment positioning is the same. My wheel-mount is non adjustable, wheel-base is always perpendicular to ground, I use extensions to get my ergonomics spot-on after adjusting pedals and seat.

As I am the only one using my rig, this is significantly more sturdy/rigid than seat adjusters, tilting ideal- and wheel-trays, for example….so a simple extender to get my arms just right is preferred over the other methods, my personal preference :wink:

I’m running a single 34" ultrawide. I want the monitor close enough but not too close. The more important thing is being able to bring it behind the rim but still be low enough so that the center of the screen is eye level

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Thanks! This was what I was wondering since I don’t know the dimensions of the OG shaft length. Thanks man.

old thread i know but simagic and moza have extension that are like 200mm long, if they are selling official extensions that long i’d assume they are an ok length to use in general?

The official recommendation is to use extensions not longer than 100mm. 200mm is way too long and can cause seriousl damage to Fe bearings.

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