Simucube 2 News and Updates

Simucube 2 True Drive v1.0.12 is out now.


I’ve removed that file, as there was a last minute issue with analog inputs. Hotfix will be up later today.


1.0.13 is out, also took the opportunity to fix an issue with standby mode LED.


Just got 480901, second time in two days.

Plan for start of 2020:
Finish already well working 360 degree fix -> release
Finish already started permanent High torque mode without beeps -> release

Then these at the same time:
Simucube 1 next release (needs some internal restructuring in order to get all Simucube 2 improvements in)
Continue adding new features and filters


great news :+1:t2:

wish All of you merry Christmas and a happy New year :raising_hand_man:t3:

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Honey to my beeps damaged ears. :grinning:
Thanks Mika.
Just clarification, “no beep” what that means, inactivity beeps before deactivating high torque, high torque can be permanent without that idle auto shut down.
Happy holidays! :champagne:

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Yes. Will require True Drive to be running on the PC to do it.


Was hoping that wouldn’t be the case, with all these CPU stealing animations, etc… :frowning_man:
With the right default profile that could have been just flip switch and go, like MMOs.

Lovely cuse my beeps def become louder it seems:=) My nabor was on the door and asked what the sound was :smiley:

Lol no way the beeps are that loud. I’m not bothered by it at all. I don’t think they’re loud at all actually. Shit, personally I like the E-stop beeps. Idk it kinda gives me some added assurance.

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They’re reasonably loud, not that loud, but at night I feel like I might irritate the neighbors. Worse if I forgot to press it when switching games so it makes the long beep.

Mine is pretty loud, making me jump at times. Perhaps it varies from unit to unit, or people more sensitive to some frequencies.
If we can disable them or at least have some sort of volume control with mute option, that would be super user friendly move.

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Odd. But question, I have a Sport, would the Pro and the Ultimate theoretically “beep” at a higher frequency than the Sport? Or maybe it’s just me going deaf or something? :sweat_smile: Or I guess I’m just used to a certain level of noise that this just doesn’t bother me.

I have the sport also,but no the beeps aren’t that loud for me also.


Lol ok good to know I’m not the only one in this camp :joy:. That is interesting though.

Haha yeh well i am not really that kind of person that is annoyed by a few beeps or moving a slider once in a while :joy:,its all for safety.

It’s loud and it is a problem.

The other day I finished a session and walked over to the living run to turn on the telly. The wife was passing by my den and got scared $hitles.

I know if my mother was over she’d loose it too as shes afraid of sudden loud noises.

If its a safety thing, I am fine to read it over once and give my e-signature on some disclaimer, but every time and all this beeping on power on, when not in use (for a short period of time) on activation of high torque…It’s excessive.

When I have small children I’ll reconsider and maybe activate these safety features then.

Your wife was scared shitless by a beep?!



Do I amuse you?

Yes, random loud noises can scare people, I think that’s been established early on.