Simucube 2 Discussion Thread

Don’t they have (require) unique names?

No, unique names are not a requirement. Name was never unique, not even in the first ever firmware.

Hello everyone,
I’m wondering, on 20 February the game Le Mans Ultimate will be released in beta, I’d like to know if a TD profile is planned for the release?

My hope is that rF2 profiles will work just fine, and that LMU will feel just like rF2.

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if the game is designed well then any generic profile should work well, as generally only iracing really requires a hugely different profile due to it’s low sample rate


OK, thanks, I thought there were “hidden” writing codes for each game profile.

How does the new filter relate to the setting static force reduction?
Are they adding up to each other?
Or is it either or?
What happens if Fe static force reduction is at 40?

They are completely separate.

would it be possible to change the “centering force” setting so that it is a constant force and not one that gets stronger the more wheel rotation you have? it doesn’t make anysense as hairpins and slow corners end up with a stronger spring effect, if it’s a constant centering force then it can be used to add a power steering effect to games that have poor ffb

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I think there would have to be some kind of initial spring in it to make it stable, but otherwise an interesting suggestion.

How does power steering center the steering in a typical car?

power steering just causes the wheel to have a constant spring effect feeling for the most part irl (when in motion)

so games that don’t simulate any power steering assistance (i.e. just raw forces) you could add the effect as a sort of power steering feeling, depending how much effect you want you obviously use the slider to determine the strength of it

no 360hz simucube update this quarter on iracing then?

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Will be in a patch soon.

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Couldn’t easily find what exactly the 360hz update would be

Is it direct support for what irFFB is already doing or something else?

Yes, direct support for that. Has less delay than iRFFB.


For peeps not on discord, 2024.3 TD version is out


will we get some way of adjusting effects and strengths and use telemetry to customise the ffb a bit eventually?

Will the new upcoming software be Linux compatible?

We are not doing Linux builds, and will not for the foreseeable future. The percentage of Linux users is so low.

However True Drive works on Proton, and I think Tuner does as well but I don’t think anyone has really tested.

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and it will continue to be low if we can’t use our sim/games and our peripherals. No need to reply on this one. thanks for your fast reply.