Let me just explain what happened here. When I bought Simucube 2, I thought I could expect a finished product. And because the competition is so strong in marketing, I thought Simucube as a new company, can not afford any mistakes and it will certainly bring the best DD to market. After a long waiting time, I finally got it in my hands and connected to my new rig. I expected that you can just connect it and everything works fine after the installation. I didn’t know that you have to be a DD expert to be able to use it.
When i started it the first time, i was totally hyped and started one of my favorite games, Raceroom. The first feeling after a few meters was that it sounds metallic and feels so grainy and that was the real disappointment. So I immediately sought help here and asked if that was normal. This was answered with a NO, without a logical explanation. That’s why I immediately thought it was broken. I could not understand the thing with the recon filter, because if I have the possibility to turn off a filter, how can it be wrong if I do that? So, I was looking for a way to leave everything as unfiltered as possible, because it is a DIRECT DRIVE and Direct means witout any Filter to me. Then came the matter of degreasing the motor shaft, arg…
The disappointment got bigger. I wondered why everyone has always described the DD as smooth and detailed, if it makes such noises with me. I thought there must be something wrong with my servo. It really sounds like hardware broken, although it obviously is not.
Apparently it is, as i’ve learned after a few days by a friend, normal that it sounds exactly like this without a filter.
I wonder, why is not something like that mentioned? Why did i never heard about these noises? It can’t be that nobody says anything and i’m the only one who happens something like that. It is clearly missing information here! The manual was not even available at the start!
I left a lot of frustration here and sometimes here was said too much unnecessary, even from me. I apologize for that.
Today I finally found my settings, and yes, with filter 1 and UNLIMITED! Therefore, my thanks go to all those who have taken care of my issue.
I hope, that what I have experienced here, no one has to live and i’m sure that GD is very anxious to make the necessary measures to make the entry to new customers as easy as possible in the future.
Take care of yourself and live well!
Kind regards