Simucube 1 connect to software

[SimuCUBE based OSW kit with CM110 case]

  • Servo Motor: MiGE 130ST-M15015 30Nm 10000ppr (40000cpr)
  • PSU: Mean Well 480W/720W peak (Noiseless) 30Nm
  • Servo drive: Ioni Pro HC (25A)

I installed the reset all setting dfu file with dfuse.
I see STM device in DFU mode.
Shows up as STM32 under windows settings
Power cycled Simucube
Moved switches on Simucube board
Both ports plugged in
one port plugged in

I’m not sure what i did wrong

Power down, set switches to dfu mode. Use the DFU tool to flash the Simucube-bootloader.dfu from the 0.50.4d directory.

Switch off, set dfu switches back to normal.

Download 0.11.2 FW, open the GUI from that directory, and if the Simucube is then detected in Firmware Update mode, proceed to flash with 0.11.2 FW first. Verify FW update mode from Hardware and Devices , there should be an icon on the bottom informing of the device status, i.e. DFU mode, or FW update mode, or Simucube Game Controller…

After this, use the GUI from the 0.50.4d release and flash it to the latest.


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i switched over but it’s just the same thing.

Ok Guys,

I just logged into Steves PC.
I re-installed dfu etc.
His board is stuck in dfu mode.
No matter which way the dip switches are flipped I can still upgrade the DFU.

We need one of the USB master troubleshooters on this one.

Same thing on the i7 PC
Thank you for the help Joe

You are very welcome. One of the guys will get you squared away.

Hide all of the HAMMERS!!!

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Sounds like onboard dfu switch not switching. Can you operate/actuate that a few times, Steve.

SW issue just doesn’t make sense in this case.

Yeah when we were on the phone I first said cycle the dip switches about 20 times.
Then I remembered this was a brand new board and said nevermind. I have not heard of any of the newer ones with the oxidizing on the dip switches.

I finally got the only build that I could not update from MMOS to Simucube remotely working a few weeks ago.
It was Version 2 board I guess. Where the dip switches were behind the Regen resistors, but we had the terminal block for the remote Regen resistors.
I had him cycle the switches around 25 times. And finally I could get the dfu to load.

Steve is having the opposite problem his is stuck in dfu mode.

Odd thing with this case is his issue started when moving the control to a new PC build.
And after no success connecting with the original Simucube board he could not get the control to work anymore on the old PC.

A few crazy ones over the last few weeks.:hear_no_evil::crazy_face:

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I unplugged on of the usb cables and get the DFUSE to eventually turn off DFU mode but i see no change anywhere…
So what do I do now?

Formatted hard drives. (To wipe them)
Clean install of Windows.
Still can’t connect.

Hi Steven,
I won’t have time today, but can try and assist again tomorrow?

@Joe: I will message you later, cheers Mate, just snowed under at the moment!


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it’s safe to say we can call it quits. nothing can be done to correct this problem.

Anyway still a few things to check with the new simucube, now that you are able to exit from DFU mode.

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can’t exit from DFU mode anymore. Don’t know why.
I believe the correct FTDI drivers are installed.

I don’t know what to try next.

A user on facebook asked if i have hidguardian.sys
after searching my pc for it I had 0 results

Is this a key component I need?

Hidguardian could interfere with Simucube software, making it impossible to use both.

So, thats not an issue here.

Can you turn off Simucube and actuate the DFU switch multiple times? Also, which button in DfuSeDemo did you use to program Simucube? If you used the button on the right side, that would be the wrong one, and the empty device content would be saved into the file you selected, making any subsequent attempts wrong if you do not extract a fresh simucube_bootloader.dfu file from our distribution zip file.

Can you turn off Simucube and actuate the DFU switch multiple times? did it at least 50 times which button in DfuSeDemo did you use to program Simucube? Fresh DFU installed from left side. No change

I can hop on if anyone wants to try remote access

Steven, I can do in a few hours again…just need to get some work done first…

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10-4 & Thank You.
I’m grateful for any and all efforts in helping me resolve this problem.