SC2 Ultimate noise over time

i’m sorry for the late reply but i’m out of my country in this days.

i’m sorry again but just now i realize that Mika and you are part of official Granite Devices Team.

i know that my settings are not the best but this is the settings i use from the second day of use ( from august ) and everything works as expected. i have tested another ultimate unit and a pro version ( for now ), the problem is only on the ultimate that i have on my rig at home.

all QR parts are tighted as usual… if i switch the QR to another unit , the other unit don’t have any problem at all… i can export the settings from true drive and use it on another unit and everything works as expected even if i use it to maximum strength with 100 inertia 100 friction 100 damping… even with all direct input filter to 100 and in game ffb maxed (oscillations occours obviously ) but no strange sounds or other issues.

before this units i own a leo ss , a big mige from srb and a small augury.

yes i can upload a short audio clip but i prefer to not publish videos in public for privacy.

the problem happens with or without steering wheels attached ( but ) don’t happens on the other units ( pro / ultimate ) even on all units of others online friends.

the problem is present in every title with this unit.
12/18 i’m back to the home and i can send you the audio clip.

i know that this devices are expensive and the possibility that have faults are 1 off 1000000 … but sometimes happens and i know that is a trouble investigating why the problem is present.
i don’t want exchange or things like that… but only the manufacturer can says if the problem is hardware related or not. i do not want to bother the distributor or your team expecially in this vacation period.

this is the clip.

just to add that now the problem occurs with every settings/filter not only combining inertia with damping or friction… now happens even with damping only or friction only.
3 out of 10 times true drive give errors but with ramdon codes.
this happens with wheels or without wheels attached.
Pc, mainboard, usb ports, usb hubs, rigs, monitors… everything is fine with other units.


after trying this it’s getting worst than before… now the problem persist with settings lower than before :(.

i have read on the forum that other ppl have some issues but GD refuses to exchange the unit.

for me it’s clear that the unit have some issues , maybe the shaft sensors or a calibration problem or electronics i don’t know but other unit tested don’t have any problem with any settings combination possible. i try to ask for an exchange to the distributor but if refuses i try with paypal for a refund an buy another brand new unit.

Settle down, Tero and Mika will study his issue and get back to you.


yes i know are serious people.
probably a software issues but it’s getting worst hour in hour and the software it’s the same.
i hope the problem can be solved in a couple of days but i think GD want the unit back for further investigations and probably i receive the unit in late january.

Cheers Albert, yes, there are no more serious and active developer of DD systems than the GD guys. They will get your issues resolved :wink:

Next firmware releases will be after new year, there is no quick fix in “couple of days” during this busy time.

Can you only trigger the resonance after setting Inertia at really high values? What happens if you set that at 30 and max out Damping and Friction?


the inertia filter it’s not usable anymore weathered value I set and this don’t happens in any other units I have or I have tried from friends.

Thank you for clarifications. Yes I know are busy days . I don’t want to insist on this. Tomorrow I ask for an exchange to the distributor in this way you have all the time to better understand what happens with the unit in house.

Thank you to all for now and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the whole community


Hi Albert

Please contact us via with your address and phone number so that we can send you a replacement.

Kind regards,


Thank you for the video clip! It sounds like there is something wrong with the motor unit, not a software issue. We discussed this with Esa and decided to offer a replacement unit to get you back on track!

I hope this helps!


One quick question: does the force feedback work otherwise smoothly if you don’t use the effects?

I’m wondering if there is just a loose wire inside and could be fixed easily on-site without shippings. But let me know if the force is smooth without effects. Thanks!

Hello Esa,

this is what happens when a company is ( Serious ). i don’t have any doubt on this because one of my best friend at (…Rosso…) Simulation Center says about GD devices.

thank you for keeping my personal data private.
Late today i send you all needed information via the provided email.

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compared to another unit seems that this unit have a non linear FFb ramping. i don’t know the technical words to better describe but seems not smooth as another pro or ultimate version.
without any filter activated ( excluding magnets feels ) seems that have some steps between magnets compared to other unit. but note that i’m absolutely not a motor engineer all this is my feelings thru my hands.

just to add a note:
The inside ( beeping speaker ) sometimes is extremely louder at the point that seems distorted… sometimes is quieter and is difficult to hear it. i don’t know if this can help to prepare an in houose throubleshooting.
Thanks again GD Team… now i know that my experience are in a safe place.


I’m so sorry but suto to reply to your message i have replyed to Esa,

Tero, thank you very much to decided to arrange a complete exchange directly from factory. Really appreciate this.

Thanks for extra details! My best guess is that maybe some wire is loose inside. If you have hexagon tools available, feel free to carefully look inside from the back side of SC2 and see if all wires are tightly connected to the circuit board. However if you wish not to do so, it’s all right, and we’ll do it for you.

If you happen to be curious to check it, and potentially get it back on track fast, here is how it looks inside (except for red circuit board, which is this color only in the prototype unit here). My best guess is that one of the 3 thick wires might be loose, or the encoder connector at bottom.

PS screws might have lot of thread lock glue, might be very tight to open first time.

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for me is ok. i have to check if this 3 wires are resonably tight/firm on their inserts, if not, slightly tight all loose wires and check the module at the bottom ?.

in this way it’s sure that i don’t invlidate my warranty and the possibility for the exchange ?.
prefer i post some images ?.