rFactor 2 and Simucube 2

Is it possible to reduce (only ) the strenghtening effect during braking by editing the json file?

I’m not an rFactor 2 expert. I saw that many additional brake/clutch/gas effects were turned off in the rFactor 2 OSW_Simucube profile compared to the default profile.

You can edit anything in the controller jason file as far as i know…Make sure when you edit the file you are not playing RF2 and the launcher is closed ,because the edit will not work if open

I was hoping someone would know the parameter that has to be changed. A torque limiter that would allow to keep Overall Strength in the SimuCUBE tool would work either i guess :wink:

the Nm must be the maximux if 100% is used , so different for each of your 3 servo solutions. The problem is that if someone isn’t using 100% it won’t feel optimal but you can’t do something about that.

The graining is still present in RF2 using the ultimate @Mika what settings were you using in True Drive?

Torque bandwidth limit 1000 Hz, Reconstruction filter 3, damping 10% and Friction 5%.

Can you confirm that the settings in the json are indeed the same as the OSW_Simucube profile?

I will try that now the profile is the Simucube2Ultimate

@Mika its the same as before I have tried my profile and yours they are the same what did you change in the profile to try to fix the issue?

There was just immediate improvement when I took the settings from the rFactor2 supplied Simucube 1 json file. I did not change anything else.

Ok are there any other options you could look at

Not at the moment as I don’t have Simucube 2 at home yet. It will be on Monday or Tuesday next time I’m at the office…

I can’t remember what the FFB smoothing / filter setting was set at in rFactor 2 user interface, though. It might have an effect as well.

We all need a rest @Mika :slight_smile:

The in game smoothing goes upto 32 it does flatten the effect slightly but it also kills the detail

It might have been at 5 or something like that.

This is from one of the RF2 update release notes @Mika

Added a Controller.JSON value “Steering Torque Capability” in order to specify the strength of strong FFB wheels (like direct drive). If this is set properly, and it exceeds the NominalMaxSteeringTorque for a given vehicle, it allows a 1:1 correlation between the calculated torque and the actual FFB torque. (However, note that we still don’t model power steering, so the calculated torque is stronger than it should be for some vehicles.)

the default of the simucube profile is 4

You have on all simucube2 profiles , the same “Steering torque capability”:18,

When you are back at office check also the profiles for dd1 and dd2 made by rfactor2 team. They have the max that the servos can give.

I have tried the Mika’s profile for the pro and the grainy feeling is slightly decreased, now the attenuation ffb filter inside RF2 can be set to 4 to obtain a quite good result.
One thing for sure: the new motor with RF2 produces more noise than my previous BIg Mige BIss C and it is similar to my old Small MIge with default encoder.
This is something to investigate.
FFB feeling is very good, with more precision an strength, I use no damping, no inertia, 100 gain and high torque enabled reconstruction filter 1 and torque unlimited

Why don’t you try with “Steering torque capability”:25 . I think it will further reduce some noise.

Sure Loukas the noise probably will decresae, but the feeling? I wish (pretend) best performances I did not buy a Csw…