Dirt Rally 2.0 and Simucube 2

I didn’t concentrate on a specific setting, more on the overall driving experience. I never liked the FFB of dirt rally 2.0.
The settings I tried are better than anything else I had in dirt 2.0, but I’m still far from being happy. But they made it driveable, which for me it wasn’t before

the FFB for DR20 is perfect for me, I mean Im used to it and there is nothing wrong with the classic simucube settings, using a low slew rate is useless, it feels dead

DR2 ffb is simply bad which is a pity as otherwise the game is fun. Reducing slew rate does not make the ffb dead, a few people here already agreed to that. Although you have posted your TD settings back in July 22, you didnt post your game settings which give us the half picture. So why dont you do that as well in order for us to see the full settings you are using and liking the FFB.

Sadly, the state of DR2 ffb is pretty poor, no matter what wheel is used. No amount of ffb tuning can address non-existent effects. Even the AccuForce telemetry features are not able to replicate what is still possible in DR1 ffb.

CM down-graded DR2 ffb to simplify things. It’s very much typical console arcade title level of ffb now. I’d go so far to say that Forza H5 ffb is better than DR2 ffb (even considering FH5 + EmuWhee is not optimal).

Was telemetry better in DR1 as I don’t remember DR1 basic FFB really be any better, except wonky moon gravity physics.

The title is just bad, poor FFB wise. Very poor. Even the profile is a step in the right direction, it’s not making the title really driveable. Still a good effort. It’s just not possible to turn a nightmare into a fairytale


When I used an AccuForce, DR1 telemetry rendered some impressive results. It gave a good sense of torque steer (FWD / 4WD), and excellent surface transitions (grip level through SAT). It made throttle control easier and much more fun because I always had a sense of excess wheelspin.

For whatever reason, I could not replicate the same results in DR2, even using the AccuForce. I know many complained about ffb in DR1 too but, something clearly changed with DR2, and not for the better.


Only the vibrations have changed, nothing else for me, and I’m not a vibration fan, I have no issue with the FFB.

If you like the tire slip vibration made for gamepad, you can emulate the gamepad and add the FFB vibration in your wheel, or you can buy a sex toy and…

More seriously, instead of crying for a sligh vibration in your wheel, you should buy a 5 DOF motions, Dirt rally 2.0 is made for motions, and with it I don’t care about my wheel vibrations.

Motion plateform is better than any FFB settings, particulary about the rally, after you will forget your idiot FFB settings

if you are low budget : this is enough

sorry to say this, but with a 3 dof and T300 you will have a better feeling in Dirt rally 2 than with a simucube 2 :wink: and a static rig

When you have this, you don’t spend your time to cry about the FFB like a kid

I would feel like an idiot if I had to spend thousands of euros to enjoy DR2.
RBR rules the world!

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no thanks, no immersion in RBR, playstation 2 graphics, sound from ATARI…nothing is better than DR 2.0.
I woulf feel like an idiot to buy a rtx 4090, simucube 2, triple 1440p gsync, 6 DOF motion plateform and play with RBR…

How the infamous DR2 barrel rolls feels on that 6DoF?
Must be awesome to land on 4 wheels every time the car flips

get good you won’t flip

Lol, thought the same: spend a 10 kilo or more, so a crap FFB title for 29.99 will be playable. There is also a 5 kilo solution (in case you are a poor piece of white trailer park trash :gorilla::orangutan:)

And I still truly doubt motion will create better FFB. And I also doubt dirt 2.0 is made for motion. At least I never heard about it.
And: motion is sure immersive, but aren’t vibrations immersion too??
The Simucube pedals, they do inform a drive with vibration signals aswell, or not? Rumble kits and bass shakers are information sources aswell, not only for immersion, I think

Believe it or not: WRC 9, a title made for controllers provides:
Very detailed surface changes
Very good information at the wheel while driving upwards/downwards in terms of weight change, the way the suspension is loaded differently
Surface changing when conditions change, Fe dry to a bit wet, very wet, slippery, muddy Aso
The loss of grip caused from a track with lots of stones on it: the wheel gets lighter because of the limited amount of tire contact
The wheel feels/provides extremely good the feeling one expects on snow and ice. One can really exactly tell when traction/RPM and gear is ready to work best.
All Gforces are also very easy to understand. Jumping, long and fast corners, FFB is very nice.

In dirt 2.0 you don’t even know these informations are part of the title. It’s always numb, clonky, heavy, indifferent

Barrel roll is faster than braking into the corner, wall riding too, no need to be good thanks

wrc 9…no comment

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Don’t we all already with DD wheelbases and high end pedals, to the majority of gaming population we are the "idiots’.

So my understanding out of all these posts is that DR2 had good FFB provided however you are having a motion system… :joy:. This is a joke obviously as you still need to control the car through a wheel. The FFB engine of this game is just useless, not only it will not deliver weight change, suspension feel, road feel, etc. it even fails on delivering correctly basic stuff like steering/countersteering no matter the settings. So what are we talking about here? Agreed that if you are new to sim racing and without experience with proper FFB, then it is probably cool, but once you have seen what right FFB is, you simply cannot go back and enjoy this title. Hope DR 3 (when and if it comes) will be better.

@Alfye20 RBR is different story and with the little time i have spent with it i can say it feels right. However i still think i am missing something with my settings. So, could you please spent some time sharing your settings (TD and Game) with the forum? Thanks!

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Sorry, although I’m not the person you asked for:
In the RBR launcher, did you try to use higher settings like 300 to 600 for the surfaces? It gave me a lot of details I missed before in RBR. I myself doesn’t use a lot of torque in TD. So I don’t have to use a lot of damping and other filters. I think raising the numbers I mentioned will increase details significant.

Like I wrote: believe it or not. I drive rally since WRC 7. Drove all titles from then on. 7 was very nice with a Logitech G29. Together with a propper rally wheel 9 is far better than 10, and generations is as bad as 10, maybe even slightly worse. I described a lot of FFB details, which I get in WRC 9, and which are absolutely missing in dirt 2.0.
There was a post from @Mika about an invitation/marketing event, where rally drivers were able to use a Simucube 2 together with dirt 2.0. If I remember correct, there were very mixed feelings about the title. But if you like it …
RBR has imo a better FFB than dirt 2.0, but is not as dynamic as WRC 9