Completely loosing FFB while cornering

On the first picture you posted, the one with the in-game settings, it’s stated “custom”. What @Alfye20 posted is part of the link I posted. What you experience is not FFB, but brute force. You get no details from the custom profile. You have to add the settings to this one. So on straights you have a simple force signal, and from the curbs either clipping or nothing.

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Indeed I tried now the default and default+ profiles and all of a sudden it’s not dead anymore in the corners. Although I still get the clipping beeps if in-game FFB is more than 65 percent. But I guess I have to upgrade to simucube PRO to get rid of that isn’t it?

Honestly I think most sims will probably clip if the in game gain is set above 50% - but this is obviously sim dependant.

Also the clipping bleeps just mean that the FFB signal output from game has reached 100% not that the wheelbase itself is clipping.

I do however find it weird that you can run the sport at full power and in game at 65 percent and still don’t think its strong enough. I have a pro that I only run at between 6.5 to 8 Nm with most sims around the 40 to 60 mark in game and that’s enough for me.

Seems you still don’t understand clipping:
Clipping is from IN-GAME SETTINGS. You can’t prevent clipping with higher torque settings in True Drive. You can have clipping at 0.01Nm of torque, and all the way up 2 million Nm. If you understand this, then you also will be able to set FFB in a correct way

Thats right!
On AMS2, gain slider works like that,
Gain @50 meants full telemetry output to the wheel
Gain @+50 amplifies telemetry and gain @-50 atenuates telemetry output.

If you are not happy with gain slider @60 because too soft FFb on AMS2, and in other games is the same for you, go for the Ultimate

I guess it is game dependent. I’m pretty happy about how the ir04 feels in iRacing for example.
Not so much about this Formula Reiza in AMS.

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The truth is that I never use full torque on my SC2 Sport but testing AMS with F.Reiza @ 100% on TD overall force is like TD @10Nm on any iR openwheel

Yeah, I run less torque too but n my Sport. Even at 14nm, I can get my steering so firm I can barely turn it. I’m amazed at the forces some people are comfortable with. In iracing, if I press the auto button, the wheel gets way too heavy. If memory serves, I run AMS2 at 45%, and find that to be my lefty.

Maybe that’s another issue I’m having. I just ran a couple of ACC laps with TD 17nm and in-game 85% FFB.
It left me wanting more force, the wheel was way too light, especially in slow corners. I’m no bodybuilder, as a comparison it felt like the 8 NM experience i had with my Fanatec CSL DD.

I now tried 100% and it’s still weak for me. I remember it was much stronger as new. Is it possible to lose power over time?

Hard to say as I don’t know what feels light to you, it’s all subjective. I ran my CSL DD 8nm at 80% and in game in most titles at 50% to leave room for spikes and clipping. I felt that plenty heavy. I run my SC2 Sport at 14nm and around 50% in AMS2 (though have not played it in ages) and most cars around 60nm Max force to a Wheel Force of 14nm, which feels medium strength to me but helps prevent injury (I previous overused my shoulder at 55nm MF / 17nm WF). The Auto Button in iRacing always makes things too heavy (not quite so bad in latest update), so my Sport goes from comfortable for me to way too heavy. But maybe you want it heavier.

You have made sure that High Torque mode is enabled in True Drive, right?

Yes High torque is active. I think i’ll open a separate thread for this. I don’t understand what’s going on.

Do you have high torque enabled?

Yes high torque is on

Is this your profile for all games?

IIRC with that Simple Profile, you are driving with Slew Rate Limit on the low side of the slider, click on “Show expert settings” and move Slew Rate slider to the right

I tried adjusting the slew rate. I have tried the minimum value 0.10, and the maximum 4.76. I doesn’t have any effect on how heavy the steering wheel is. It is exactly the same. What it has effects on is the kerbs.
At 4.76, it’s pretty violent when you go over the kerbs, and at 0.10, i can barely feel the kerbs.

Is this normal?

Yes, thats normal behavour
Slew Rate @4.8Nm/ms so servo can ramp up forces faster than Slew Rate @0.10Nm/ms

What could be it then? I remember trying max forces a couple months ago, and i could barely turn the wheel. Now TD is at 17, and in-game is 100%, and i can drive with one hand in ACC.

Do you turn off the base at all?
Close True Drive, reset Hi Torque mode to Low then Hi again

If it keeps feeling light/soft contact Simucube Suport

I am having the same issue now