Brand new Simucube 2 Sport feels terrible in Assetto Corsa and randomly loses FFB or decides to go full lock

Do not get me wrong, i was not offended or something. I havent even tried F1. It was just a mere point that although some settings might look useless at first, they might end up helping you in some way.

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Do totally appreciate and feel happy with the conversation mate!:four_leaf_clover:

@TurboJLo Thank you for sharing your feedback and the ultimate outcome here.

These are always helpful - it may not be what we all hoped for, but my hope is that @Mika and others from Granite will have a deeper look once your unit is returned and that the feedback will ultimately result in a better end product for those of us with simucubes.

Thanks again for your willingness to do as much troubleshooting as you went through!

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Yeah, this thread has been interesting to read, and without being an expert on how AC feels on different wheelbases, things are difficult to comment about.

One thing is that @TurboJLo should check that he is not running any strange custom LUT file that sometimes has been a gotcha for AC.


I assume the file you speak of is ff_post_process.ini?



There are two of them, one in AC folder and another in Documents. But if ENABLED=0 in Documents, it’s disabled, you can set both to 0 for a good measure.
So if loss of FFB is gone, what is the problem now, lack of details comparing to AF?
I know you already disconnected SC2 and can’t post TD screenshots as it won’t let you choose profile without base being connected. But can you at least post your profiles_autobackup.ini from TD folder, I assume you are still on Classic version.

That one was from docs folder, but the one in AC is exactly the same.

Can’t find the .ini but it was your TD and CM/CSP settings Andrew with the only difference being recon filter @ 2

@Andrew_WOT Just a question, can we actually enable gamma in CM? It seems that by enabling post processing ffb and setting a value for gamma does nothing as once you click drive, then it reverts to its original state which is disable. Even if i set a value of it in the ini file in documents it seems to be rewriting it with the default enabled=0… Any ideas?

change what you want in cm , the gamma in this case , and then change the gain (it doesn’t have to be much and you can revert it to your previous setting) and see if it sticks.

If CM controls values it will override your manual changes in ini files.

@Loukas_Bourdas thanks for the tip! It worked indeed, but it is funny how this thing feels, didn’t expect to suck so much :joy: