Best place to get a SC2 unit in Canada

double post :roll_eyes:

Depending on the product I was probably about 25% more expensive than EU.

The added value my customers had from me is they could pick up the phone and call me.

I could easily connect remote by PC and have them on the phone while doing setup.

I had already paid all import shipping and custom fees.

If my customer had a Warranty issue it could be handled state side.

The big advantage the EU guys have is the cost stays constant. And there shipping costs are much less.

A prime example of how USA importers are worse off than EU resellers is I bought Ascher wheels to stock on my website. 45 days later I get a Bill from FedEx for the 25% China tax.
I sold the wheels at 10% above my original cost. After I had to pay the China Tax I ultimately lost 15%.
I have not heard of any private buyers having to pay the China tax.

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If I was a USA or Canada customer I would buy SC2 from Tomo at Simracingbay unless I could walk into a Microcenter and pick one up.

“China Tax” on product made in Europe doesn’t sound right.

Some retailers in Europe don’t add any VAT in the prices, but add it when checking out and the destination country is known. So depending on the country it can be 15-25% on top of the listed price. Plus shipping.

In Switzerland the price is about 16CHF base fee + 3% of total price + 7.7% VAT. For some products it’s cheaper to buy from EU to Switzerland.

The somehow denigratory word “China Tax” became very popular as from 2016 in the USA… :crazy_face:
Same for the word “China virus” instead of Covid.

Are Asher wheels made in China?

There are many reasons why things are more expensive in Canada. Have you seen real estate prices and homes rising in prices much faster than the wages are? I live in Quebec where the cost of living is lower but the wages are lower too. I don’t want this thread to become an economics class. I think canadian retailers are getting good enough business so that they don’t need to lower the price further.

Peasants like us end up buying from europe. I’m going to put in all here:
Europe : SC2 Sport 1020 euro, 89 euro shipping, 14% in import taxes, duties and tariffs. converted to CAD that totals
1841$CAD at the door

Local retailer SC2 Sport 1899$CAD, ASR, provides free shipping anywhere in Canada plus the goods and services tax (GST), which is calculated at a rate of 5% on the selling price; and the Québec sales tax (QST), which is calculated at a rate of 9.975% on the selling price excluding the GST.

total 2183$CAD at the door.

I saved 342$CAD buying from europe, on the wheelbase alone, i’m excluding the wheel and accessories.

@Joe what china tax are you refering to? this is strictly EU to NA or the other way around. Unless you’re selling Simagic? :smiley:

Yes as long as they have customers paying these prices, they continue and increase the prices…

IMHO you did the right choice:
Paying an extra CAD$342 would mean paying almost +20%!

And this is compared to the lowest pricing you could find here.
If you look at the largest official Simucube reseller in Canada:

Simucube 2 Sport:

CAD$ 2399, now on sale for CAD$ 1999
PLUS shipping
PLUS Paypal processing fees (+4%)

Ascher products are now made in China.

Where were they made before? In Germany?

It is not derogatory. It is the truth.
Yes Ascher wheels are now made in China.
Ascher must declare point if origin as China this the 25% tax is applied by Customs.

Yes they were previously made in Germany.
And it is not a bad thing that they are now made in China from the standpoint of quality. The quality is very good.

Sorry it is derogatory… :face_vomiting:

Look at the legislation for importing goods, there is nothing such as a “China Tax” in the official books. There are taxes, duties, customs etc…depending in the origin of the good and type of good etc…

The wording “China tax” is used like the wording “China virus” by some people.
This is not the official word.

What is the official word?
I don’t know what else you could say that isn’t three paragraphs long.

Good to know! Thanks for the info!

The problem in Made in China is usually:

  • the buyer want to have the lowest price
  • there is no real QC

If you take care of the 2 above mentioned point, the quality can be very good.
To stay in the SSim racing/ flight sim, my Virpil and VKB products have a very good quality.

That I can’t tell you, you would have to ask your governmental import agency.

And they usually speak in “class” for the import of the goods.
They may however have said “China tax” but that just denote their personal/ political view on this topic. And they should not be allowed to state on that in a democratic republic.

The Mige motor is made in China and is top notch!

I don’t argue politics, so that is definitely not where I am coming from.:blush:

That tax is a tax on many goods from a specific country. I looked at the list a few years ago it includes many many products

I didn’t know that. At least there’s no 3 month waiting time to get one.

Ok let’s get this thread back to “The best place to get SC2 in Canada”

We went a bit off the rails. And yes part of it is my fault.:crazy_face:

All good! :hugs: I see that you are a good man! :+1:

And we all learned something here ! :joy: