Will Forza Motorsport (8) support Simucube natively?

As the title says, I’m wondering if the upcoming Forza Motorsport will have native support for Simucube with FFB? It would be great to not have to rely on Emuwheel and vjoy this time around.


We are hopeful, but cannot be 100% sure yet. Lets see if we can get in contact with the studio at Gamescon.


Such a list normally represents the importance of the various input devices. And steering wheels are showing up at the very end… with “aswell” as companion.

If that proves to be correct then it’s a day one purchase for me.

That pressnote talks about flight sticks too so I assume that Simucube wheels can’t be an exception.
It will detect any Direct Input device listed on windows JoyCon app, like button boxes, shifters, pedals…

Then, whe must try ForceFeedback implementation for that devices… Thats another story

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Simhub is offering a very easy solution to merge controllers. But the results are still extremely unsatisfying/unreliable. I remember the torture when I tried to convince Microsoft that it’s a shifter, and not a controller…
So I used pictures to talk to them…

Do you by any chance have an update on this?

Forza has changed their API to DirectInput. So yes, Simucube will work. :slight_smile:

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Theoretically yes. Questions still remain however as to how well Simucube will be supported assuming it does work out of the box.

Take Wreckfest for example - it uses DirectInput, but the out of the box experience is dismal on Simucube - you need to do some serious fudging around in “Bag edit” to get the FFB even remotely acceptable.

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No official update, but it all seems like they aim to support general sim racing market with wide variety of game controlles, button boxes and pedals, all at the same time. Which is a huge difference to their previous efforts…


This sounds promising, thank you.

Im starting to get a little disappointed with my sc2 purchase, you see so many manufacturers of direct drive wheels which say they are and will be supported. and for simucube its always i dont know if it will work, we tried to contact the devs or its expensive. im seriously thinking about switching. the competition isnt that far off simucube anymore lately.


Yes, not sure how this works when even despised here also PC only Moza were able to get official support, not to mention Fanatec, Thrustmaster and Logitech DD offerings.

There is a hope that inclusion of DirectInput support will be enough, but no one can tell for sure, I’d suggest holding back on preordering unless you are fine with EmuWheel contraption.

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Reportedly Moza has sent some cash to Microsoft for technical documentation… Lets wait and see if that is a viable option for us.

If you are willing to sacrifice between 50 and 70 percent of torque, changing to an encoder that is almost 130 times! less precise and having a plastic backplate (just a few points from a longer list) to play a single title, then so be it.
Beeing compatible with a title and getting a decent FFB are 2 pair of shoes. Is it worth to get stucked with Moza steering wheels instead of what you have now? I myself don’t even think about it.

Whenever a gamepad is mentioned first you know what the title is made for…

Forza Motorsport features rumble vibration support for Xbox controllers and improved force-feedback for wheel users, taking advantage of advanced wheel features to display RPM, shift lights and race data on custom screens.


if you are happy playing just your handful of games (sims) in perpetuity just because you chose this base then you do you.

i enjoy more then just the hardcore sims and dont want to play on pad.

I used Emuwheel and vjoy for FH5, unfortunately, it’s a bit of a “contraption” as you say and introduced some weird conflicts in WRCG. I would use it again for Forza Motorsport, but I’d rather not have to.

Early access for Motorsport starts October 5 if you have the Premium Edition, I’ll just give it a try and see how I feel about everything.


This is very similar for me, I’m not racing competitively and doing the same races in AMS2, ACC, and AC over and over again has lost its appeal to me.

That said, with some minimal work you can technically play any racing game on PC with a Simucube wheelbase, and I wouldn’t know what to switch to at the moment.

Personally, I’ve been debating whether I really want to keep “sim racing” / using a wheel in general. Maybe Forza Motorsport will be a convincing experience for me, or AMS2 will get an amazing Career mode soon (very unlikely).

Do you consider getting rid of the steering wheel, and use a controller instead? I myself can’t imagine this. It’s absolutely ok to like Fe NFS, grand theft, wreckfest and similar titles. Nobody should be so stubborn/inflexible and claiming to know what others should like. But imo all titles are more fun with a steering device.

We all have different reasons why we prefer car racing. And within this section we again have totally different preferences. Seems you want to explore the whole variety, my preference is a total different one. Thinking that one (or I) bought a Simucube 2 because of his favourite game is not really realistic. Just because a product like Moza now supports Forza doesn’t mean it will be any good at it. I’m convinced that a Simucube 2 will provide much better information in every title available. Some very easy forget these compromises they make to play a game that was developed in such a way that using a steering wheel is a major problem.

The question, why a Simucube isn’t supporting game “X” is a question easy to answer to:
Because Granite is not willing to pay absurd amount of cash just to be part of the herd. I would absolutely come to the same conclusion. Not every party is worth attending it.

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