Wheelbase making weird "be-doop, be-doop" noise from time to time

In the last couple of days my SC2 Pro base had been making a weird noise intermittently

It’s definitely generated by the wheelbase itself as I can feel the “buzz” on the wheel as it does so. It sounds like a “be-doop, be-doop” - High tone followed by a lower tone, two times in quick succession.

No loss of FFB, no interruption of control, just the noise.

Nothing shows in the log data.

I’ll be well pissed off if this is indicative of a hardware failure as my wheelbase is just a mere 2 months out of warranty.

Edit: I’m using 22-05 firmware and software.

Edit2: The wheel is an Ascher F28 V2 SC.

Low battery on the wheel momentarily.

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Thank you, Mika, I really appreciate your response.

I’m very relieved to hear that it’s as simple as that.

Just a quick point, your PDF manuals don’t make any mention of this in the troubleshooting section on page 36, and the troubleshooting section of any manual is typically where I run to if I have a problem.

Thanks again.

Maybe it’s an Ascher specific beep? So you should look into Aschers troubleshooting instead.

no, it would make that beep always for any wireless wheel. But I did have a look at the source code, and the battery measurement that would initiate the beep, is done right after wheel is connected. So it is likely that you have a battery that is soon empty and the wheel is already rebooting while you drive.

That did indeed turn out to be the case. The very next time I turned the wheel on it connected then disconnected repeatedly with constant warning tones.

Battery changed and no problems since then.

@Nrde Nah, I’ve had Ascher wheels apart and there’s nothing in them that can produce a sound, besides the sounds generated by the SC wheelbase are so harmonically unique, by the very nature of how the sound is generated, that it would be difficult to mistake them.

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