Welcome to the community!

We’re proud to introduce our new Discourse forum as a platform and meeting place for Granite Devices team and the user community! Thank you for joining in.

Usage of this forum has been made as easy as possible today. To begin with, you can log-in with your existing Google, Facebook and Yahoo accounts - no separate registration necessary :slight_smile:

Log-in with Google, Facebook, Yahoo log-in - are they anonymous?

If you log-in using the authentication services of Google, Facebook, Yahoo etc, they give us following information to fill-in your user account details:

  • Name (used only for user name suggestion, you can still choose anonymous user name if you want at the first log-in)
  • Profile picture (you can delete or change that too)
  • E-mail address
  • Your public profile (the one that is globally public anyway)

These social media services give no access to any of your private data, and they don’t let us to control your social media account in any way. I.e. there is no way for forum or it’s providers to post to your Facebook wall. Facebook does not provide access to that - and that’s a good thing. If it would be otherwise, I would not use that log-in method either. After all, these log-in methods provide similar level of anonymity and privacy than the traditional registration method.

For those who prefer the traditional way, the forum of course offers also the standard user registration method. It is not worse or better than the mentioned social media authentication methods.

Happy posting :slight_smile:


Thank you. Looking forward to what you guys are coming up with.

Hi guys, sounds good with that community. No question I will register here :wink:

Yeah looking toward to seeing what’s coming :sunglasses:

Well, you guys should check back occasionally, as there are quite a few very exciting things in the pipeline :wink:


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You are on the team now beano…? look at you!

Cheers Mate, yes, part of Team GD!!

Certainly exciting things happening in the background…