True Drive update v 1.07

since the update 1.07 I have a permanent beep all 4 minutes (as specified in the description of the update) but how to disable this beep, I unchecked the 2 boxes in the options of True Drive and restarted the software but I still have this beep
Thank you

unfortunately you can not turn that off.

It is a safety reminder that the Drive is active and you should take care around it. The beep is an intentional warning feature, cannot be disabled. As per Stefan above :wink:

OK thanks Stefan and Phillip :+1:

Cheers Mate, enjoy :wink:

If you press the emergency stop, the beep will not sound. That’s what I do when I have the wheel on but am doing something else (working on a car setup for example).

Yes, this is the intention of it :wink:

Version 1.05 beeps every 2 minutes so we have an improvement here :wink:


Je suis un nouveau propriétaire de SC2 Ultimate :slight_smile: Je pilote avec un bras pour cause d’handicap du bras gauche … je possède un pédalier HE Ultimate … celui ci, par sa précision et sa force d utilisation me permet de faire pivoter la voiture de maniere a moins tourner la volant … autant que possible …

Mon premier test hier soir … j ai eu l impression d avoir un autre pedalier … les freinages dégressifs sont
plus naturels et le remise des gaz également ??? Je roule sur ACC principalement, Iracing et rF2 …!

Je recherche des reglages pour ACC …

Remerciement a toute l Ă©quipe GD :slight_smile:




I am a new owner of SC2 Ultimate :slight_smile: I pilot with an arm because of handicap of the left arm … I have a crankset HE Ultimate … this one, by its precision and its force of use allows me to make rotate the car less to turn the steering wheel … as much as possible …

My first test last night … I had the impression to have another pedal … degressive braking are
more natural and the go-around too ??? I ride on ACC mainly, Iracing and rF2 …!

I am looking for settings for ACC …

Thank you to the entire GD team: slight_smile:


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This was made for Esx Paul in SC2 pro.
You have to modificate a little for and ultimate (perhaps 5 10% more). I this could be a good start

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