Strange vibrating occasionally


In iRacing only, I’ve recently been getting this strange vibration that feels as if it’s related to the 360Hz. Almost as if there’s far too much noise in the signal. Sometimes if I restart my PC or turn off the base and it turn it back on again it clears it up and goes back to normal. Other times like right now, I can’t get it to go away no matter what I do. Sometimes it says “Waiting for sim” in True Drive next to “iRacing 360Hz” and sometimes it says “Enabled” like it’s supposed to. I don’t know if this is related but if I’m loaded into the sim sitting in the pits and I turn the wheel off and back on, the sim sort of freezes and even if I try to hit escape the “Hold escape to exit” or whatever just rapidly flashes, almost like something’s pressing and releasing the button very rapidly.

Anyone have any idea what this is?