Steering wheel rotation

I started playing around with RBR and it set me to a different steering wheel range than I have in TD. It looks like the video. Only turning off the steering wheel helps, otherwise changing profiles doesn’t do anything. Is it supposed to look like this?


I believe I notice this behaviour in RaceRoom where it doesn’t matter what rotation I have set in TD, RaceRoom seems to set its own, either a single one or maybe a certain rotation per car. Hard to say.

Older games like RBR might need lower rotation so might be forcing it.

What I mean is that when I turn off RBR, some strange rotation remains and I can’t change it in TD, only restarting SC2 helps

it might be that the latest RallySimFans plugin things have implemented the custom steering angle from our API.

They should remove that mode when exiting the sim.

It will also reset when you click “reset FFB state” in the last tab in the True Drive.

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reset FFB state this setting does not help

I had this problem after playing RallySimFans also, all other titles rotation was too aggressive. I tried the reset in TD but, didn’t work. Power-cycling the SC2 Pro base did, though. The animated wheel in TrueDrive indicates if the rotation is working correctly or not. If it doesn’t match your wheels position, try the reset or power-cycle the base.

I will look into this soon, and add the reset to the FFB device state reset.

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This was the first time I’ve encountered this, Kudos for an otherwise solid working system, Mika. :smiley:

in rsf launcher in controls do you have adjust steering wheel range per car enabled ?

Yes, I do. Is that the trigger?

yes , disable it and re check

Yes, that is the trigger. RSF launcher might not “reset” it to profile based one when you quit the game.

Okay, I’ll test that to confirm.
Thanks @Loukas_Bourdas @Mika

I will be adding this reset to sc2 firmware, possibly also for sc1 if we ever do another update to it after today.

But I also contact RSF plugin developer to point out that the code is missing the reset command when game quits,and that is now also being fixed.