This error ID 201503 appears frequently. Even if the FOC is set to maximum, an overcurrent error sometimes occurs.
How to solve this error ID201503? The light on my ioni board flashes red every 30 minutes or so.
How old is the IONI unit?
Where did you buy it from?
Hi Loukas,
After a few days of testing with your drc file, I found that my device will report “tracking error” every 20 minutes or so of play, and occasionally “under voltage” error.
Since I bought it from another buyer, the exact production date is not clear to me, a conservative estimate is about 2 years.
At present, I have reduced the firmware version to 1.7.18
reduce fuv to 25 and go to the machine tab and press measure resistance and inductance , let it do it’s thing and apply settings and then save them and retry. Could be a faulty encoder.
1.7.20 is fine though.
In the latest Simucube Configuration Tool this error pops up a prompt for sending us a report about the issue. This is a very rare issue and we suspect it is something on the IONI that triggers it. We saw a few customers have the issue in 2022 but never found out the root cause. Contact our support for further assistance.