SimuCUBE Firmware Development Update Thread 3

@Brad_Robertson You can try here:

Thanks mate. My phone doesn’t want to follow the link. I’ll try from pc later.
I’m trying to work out what real world differences I’m going to feel with the latest firmware in layman’s terms.

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Better compatibility with the games that use Directinput effects.


Hi, the invitation to discord expires, can you post a new one?

There is a public url.

It the 1.0.49 considered stable/everyday usage for Simucube 1 users (Biss-C)?

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I haven’t heard of any bug reports so far.


No issue on my biss-c on rfactor 2 or raceroom or ACC


Here the same. No Issues.

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I have installed FW 1.0.49 yesterday and all is good. Thanks!

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Installed 1.0.49 and used for just over 2 months with zero issues.
Small MiGe with Biss-C encoder
Thanks again Mika


Are the 49 the newest, please?

.50 is going to be released soon but the only difference is in the Configuration Tool. Firmware will still be 49.


Current status: There is a user who has difficulties to set up a new Simucube 1 board. I’m waiting for his debug log for a custom configuration tool that outputs better debug so I can check whether or not it is something that should be fixed or not.


Hello @Mika
Any news for a future firmware for simucube 1 :wink:

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No. Product is at end of life and there are no plans for development. Bug fixes will be made if required.

Long since a post here.

We have recently run out of replacement units for the Simucube 1 board that is at end-of-life.
Those that bought a replacement from us, still have warranty remaining for one year after purchase.

Therefore, we have added some troubleshooting and repair tips:

Regarding firmware and the PC software, there is going to be two updates:

  1. We will need to change the “exclusitivity check” on the Configuration Tool that currently prevents Simucube 2 True Drive from running at the same PC at the same time, since that will be also be used for True Drive and the Simucube Tuner software. There can be a customer that uses Simucube 1 with an ActivePedal unit and a no-fw update just for PC software is going to happen.

  2. There is going to be experimental support for iRacing 360 Hz mode for Simucube 1. Needless to say, that this requires also a firmware update, and the STM32F407 microcontroller has had a handful of cases in these 7 years of life of the product where it has just died in the midst of firmware update. There is now a risk - albeit very low risk - as we don’t offer repair service and we don’t have replacements to sell.


Thanx for update, Mika, happy to see you’re still pushing 360hz for SC1 :slight_smile: Enioy that side!

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Thanks for the update Mika!
I don’t think many [should] expect anything at all for our 'fine wine ’ hardware, so it’s nice to have surprises like this.
Excited to see the feedback on the 360hz mode, though it will have to be quite special to take the risk of a bricked board - thanks for your candid information.
I’ve grown very fond of my OG small MiGe/Biss-c setup, it’s like an old friend that’s been around for so long and still makes me smile with joy every time we ‘catch up’.

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Thanks for the update.

I am still building my Simucube 1 so hopefully I don’t have any issues.

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