SimuCUBE Firmware Development Update Thread 3

Me Please

Thanks for everything you do and all your hard work

what has basically changed with this new beta ?

USB descriptor is now compatible with Linux.

Directinput effects now work as per spec:

  • deadbands are taken into account
  • offsets are taken into account
  • positive and negative coefficients and saturations are taken into account for friction and damping
  • bugs related to these are fixed. Would have probably fixed the issue with old Raceroom FFB implementation also. And might fix the issue with City Car Driving, if that issue still exists.

does this : Assetto Corsa wierd knocking when stationary affect this beta build as well ?

I have not received any reports of this from the testers. I’m also not as familiar on the internal workings of the IONI servo drive to be able to tell if that issue is more or less likely to happen compared to Simucube 2.

Would you like to test?

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Initial reports are that Simucube 1 with BiSS-C encoder is not affected by the issue Loukas linked above. This means that the release should be perhaps ready for public as well.


Can’t wait I would love to test if possible

Happy to test, Biss-C encoder.
I saw a recent Dan Suzuki Video where he was using the Notch Filter.
I tried to replicate as close as possible to his values.
He was using 1hz, -25.5db (Attenuation), 0 (Q factor).
Closest we can set in current FW is 1.1hz, -24.5, 0.1

Unfortunately, these settings more or less kill the FFB, the wheel won’t even return naturally to center.
Are any of these values updated in the beta FW?

Paddock shows those values - if you open the settings editing dialog, it will show as notch filter disabled.
That low Hz value and high attenuation will indeed kill FFB.

No changes are being made to filters running on IONI servo drive. Just the DirectInput effects.

I would be happy to test it. I had to reinstall the Simucube 1 while I wait a couple week’s for the new Simucube ultimate to be shipped back to the reseller for them to ship a new replacement.

is it ready for release ? :slight_smile:

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It should be, however need to check the latest things from SC2 to see if there is something that can be copied from, before making an official release.


Last Monday night I copy-pasted things from sc2, but lets see when I can get it packaged as another beta release.


I am ready :wink:


Hi @Mika, Thanks for all your work on this - I’m looking forward to what is released!


Hi Mika, I recently got my new simucube 2 ultimate replacement. While i was waiting i was using my simucube 1 30nm and it never felt better to me with the latest firmware, fantastic job!

Did it realy change some thinks, that you can feel?

Any news on this ? Also could you send me the latest beta ?

On discord


Gidday. Is there a simucube1 discord that Im not aware of by any chance?