direct shipping to the USA…

Hey guys. So I sold my batch 3 Sport about 2 years ago and now I’m looking to purchase another Sport unit to get back into the hobby. I was considering buying directly from the Simucube website but I’ve been seeing conflicting information regarding shipping anywhere outside of the EU. I’m just looking for confirmation on whether or not the Simucube store ships to the USA.

When you access the store with an US IP address, the store shows the US brand store. The warehouse is in Pennsylvania.

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Great. Thanks for confirming this for me Mika.

Microcenter sells them too.

Yeah I have a Microcenter about 5 miles from me and that’s where I was going to buy from originally, but unfortunately after tax here in NYC which is around $110 for the Sport, I would be paying $1,310. So I’d much rather save the $110 by having it shipped to me shipping and tax free and use that $110 towards getting the NRG Quick release I had previously.