Simucube 2 True Drive Paddock - Feedback and suggestions

Just the Brake/Primary Set
I have a spare BJ Steel 3 pedal set that is SC2 compatible to cannibalize throttle and clutch, never an issue, the brake was the offender.

Mounting to my rig wont be a problem, plenty of space.

Now using Invicta pedals and im very happy with them, but im tired of the trend of elastomers on the brakes.
Time will tell

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No no, you will tell!! I’m happy for you, keen to learn about it. I was looking at the Simgrade pedals, although I’m happy with BJ. After 2 years I changed Nitroflex and throttle spring, feels like new.
I asked friends about Simgrade, and basically they say it’s kind of too much to fiddle, and the price is also high. Let’s see, what future brings. I wish you :four_leaf_clover:

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Pedals are soon delivered, maybe some already been delivered. Software for the pedals is ready then.
My question is/was: if this could have unwanted effects for DD, which doesn’t work with the same effects, so my understanding. And: to do both at the same time could be, of course, more work now. But with the advantage of doing it once. Or it’s not possible now because telemetry FFB for pedals is easier to develop?

Production of the ActivePedals started last week with a small number of units being produced. It will continue to ramp up. Deliveries will start by the end of March.

Software is usable, but we are by no means finished with the software.

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From my basic programming knowledge, I would assume there is a stream of telemetry data that pedals and DD can subscribe to.
Question would be which effects also work for the DD.

There I lack a little knowledge of what the simulators so provide and makes sense. :smiley:

Telemetry can reach any device, like we are acostumed now with SimHub.
Ingame FFb effects are for steering wheels only, so with actual games/simulators it is impossible to send FFB effects to more than one device.

If my logic is not wrong, ActivePedals software may be just a program to control the servo/pedal like how much travel, force, steps, curves, etc adding some telemetry integration

Just make sure @Alfye20 gets his pedals first!! I truly hope this will be a success for Granite.

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There is one thing I really really hope will perfectly fit together:
Assetto Corsa 2 and the telemetry based FFB from Granite

This will be the first real simulation with focus on DD and new pedal technology. If that fails, then for me the last hope would be a new RF2. Don’t get me wrong: I totally love racing. Just everything new is either totally arcade, arcade, or quite old (sounds stupid, I know: even they update on regular basis, old is old)


Hello, I have a small inconvenience for some time. TD remains the last profile used, even now it’s like this, but the ff is not right. The steering wheel is very hard, I have to enter the profile and move a random parameter to load the saved profile. It doesn’t cost me much to do it, but can it be solved? Thank you

Is this with a Paddock profile or with an offline profile?

Paddock paddock paddock… 20 characters :grin:

Even adding a Macro function to Truedrive’s launcher with the Sim we are about to play, or even better allowing a DEFAULT SETUP for each Sim and Truedrive has a launcher or monitors for game launch which then loads the DEFAULT for that Sim. Cheers


Is it possible to have 2-way FFB? For example, FFB that can differentiate the difference between FFB that is being sent from the game to the wheel (eg. bumps, engine vibrations, resistance from the tyres, etc.) and FFB that is a result of input from the human onto the wheel?

Or how about the FFB settings/effects (eg. damping) being able to be set so they only affect driver input or videogame input instead of both?

I’ve been sim racing for 20 years, and have real world racing experience with F1600, F2000, open-cockpit porotype-style cars, etc. and there is still a big unrealism with all DD FFB devices no matter the game, no matter the wheelbase / motor company or settings.

Some examples:

  • forces are out of proportion with eachother. In real life, you can have a wheel that requires lots of effort and gives your muscles a work out but, at the same time, the wheel is very “free” in terms of making all sorts of quick, minute adjustments. It takes effort for some situations but is very “light” at the same time. It is heavy and light. I know it sounds like it doesn’t make sense but it does. I have never been able to reproduce this in sim racing with a DD wheel, no matter the FFB settings, no matter the car., no matter the game - I own them all. With DD wheels, if you want heavy forces, then every thing is heavy all the time.

  • the “auto-centering” (I believe called S.A.T.?) effect is there in real life but it never feels like it is over-powering the driver or faster than the driver. This is the opposite of sim racing with DD wheel where the S.A.T. is often way overly powerful not only in initial reaction but, perhaps even worse, with regards to the torque/force the DD system continuously applies - even against the driver’s wishes. It’s as if there is an invisible person who grabs the wheel and tries to keep turning it with a lot of force against your will while you’re oversteering. This cannot be fixed by slew-rate, nor damper, nor friction - although they can help somewhat. This is just simply way too much force or torque that keeps trying to push against the driver’s hand position. It’s not just the velocity of the S.A.T., the velocity can be slowed down or even stopped by the driver, the problem is the force the S.A.T. keeps applying against the drivers hands regardless of whether velocity is high, low, or zero velocity (this is partly why damping doesn’t help much, because high force still occurs regardless of velocity).

  • in real life with a heavy steering car / racecar, it can sometimes take a lot of effort to turn the wheel more BUT, that does NOT mean that you will get the same force trying to “spring” the wheel back to centre like with DD wheels. In real life, it can kind of be like a 1-way force increase. The force increases as you try to turn the wheel more, so it is resisting you adding more steering lock BUT it does not apply that same force to shoot the wheel back to centre with so much ferocity and “anger” like a DD wheel tries to. It’s therefore sort of a 1-way increase of force (not quite, but kind of).

  • the FFB settings/effects (eg. damper, friction, slew-rate, inertia, etc.) affect ALL forces that the DD wheel produces. This is not a good thing at all. For example, say we need to add damping to try and help with the behaviors I explained above (dampening doesn’t help too much for that but this is just for example), well, the problem is that the damping affects ALL forces, it doesn’t matter if it’s a bump on the road, engine vibrations, FFB from the input the driver applies to the wheel, feeling tyre grip, or whatever, ANY and ALL FFB forces will become damped. The filters/settings apply to 100% of FFB occurring in the DD system’s “FFB pipeline”.

Aside from implementing game-telemetry-based FFB (eg. Accuforce) which I’m guessing is way too much work to make sure it works with so many games, there surely must be other ways we can try and manipulate the FFB forces and filters in a more specific way. Like, perhaps, being able to apply filters (eg. damping) ONLY in relation to forces the wheel receives from the driver’s input or, the opposite, only in relation to forces the wheel receives from the game. This is just an example. There are probably many things we can think of.

I understand real-life FFB is a completely different “system” than a DD-&-videogame system - reactive (ie. passive) VS active, exponentially more mechanical inertia/mass VS exponentially less mechanical inertia/mass, true torque output VS “simulated” torque output via a position/velocity based system, limitations on the FFB software side eg. Windows Direct Input which was created in the 1990s and never designed around high-powered DD wheels, etc. etc. I understand, but surely we can try and close the gap further despite the differences and limitations our simulated systems have compared to real-life…


True drive isn’t a FFB software itself, nor is the Simucube creating FFB.
TD deals with the torque of the motor, lets adjust the forces according to the different steering wheel sizes, weights and shapes. The only setting that “changes” the FFB signal coming from the game are the reconstruction filters. In a ideal situation the Simucube receives a perfect FFB signal and delivers it as fast, as precise and as untouched as possible.
What a person does when steering is reacting to the forces, searching the fastest way and holding the car on track. I don’t think this is FFB.
What you can’t achieve, these weight changes, are something I have described in different posts: Fe WRC 9 does this absolutely good. The wheel gets light in a hairpin on gravel, because the car doesn’t have much contact with the surface, the speed isn’t so high and the car rotates without heavy counter forces. Or the difference between a stage where it’s starting to rain is very good to feel at the steering wheel. Another example is eau rouge at Spa. The steering wheel will get extremely light on top.

Everything stays and falls with the quality of FFB, and your settings. If you feel nothing but heavy forces, then the quality of FFB is maybe not good, and your settings maybe are much too high. Even the small details are still there, you won’t feel them because they are covered by the heavy forces you fight with.
Driving cars in real life is just something different than simracing. But in real life racing there are also tracks which are very flat, smooth. Others are bumpy, have an agressive surface. So there aswell you experience sometimes more feedback, sometimes less. The setup of the car is also an important factor, in both worlds. A very stiff setup with short traveling suspension feels different than the opposite.
I also wonder how you think it could be possible to transform your steering input into FFB. The way I understand you would mean that these inputs have to be recognised, taken into account, and then delivered back again to the steering wheel. Where they again would do the same travel? This is an endless loop, with an infinite result, or not?

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Hi there. Would you be willing to share this motec workspace please

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hi designamk1 and everyone else.

I even plan it. But I’m still thinking about how, for example I’m also working on a YouTube channel where this complete “Wheelbase Chapter” is explained. Because I can really explain a lot. How close Granit Devices is to a bass amp with their Simucube is just awesome and just wow! That gives you so many possibilities! I also hope that there might be a collaboration with GD, I’m not conceited but I’ve developed a sense of self-confidence in the meantime. That would be cool, they did a great job. :metal: Got a lot questions.

By the way, the tool only runs IRacing and rFactor2. But also output an FFB signal to Motec for all other games. IRacing is now at v0.5 and RFactor2 is ahead of v1.0. Will also offer a certain degree of automation, as far as Motec has made it possible for me. By the way, the MATH window that is open on the sreenshot, is the “settings-menu” to adapt the tool to your Simucube.

So please be patient, I did it for myself and it wasn’t planned that it would be so cool.

Sorry, by the way, that it takes longer, I got lot if s**t at work.
And sorry I think I accidentally reported your post! :innocent: :grimacing: :expressionless:

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The first section of the filters are constant ones. So they working constantly.
The second section, the direct input filters are working based on situations (Fe stationary car), specific game

No worries take your time and thank you for the information. And no I don’t think you reported my post I think I did something stupid :joy:

Question on the tool (which looks quite interesting to say the least…) are you using the FFB% for the telemetry into the calculations or the FFB Nm? The reason I ask is that if you are using % all is good as clipping at the SC2 torque Max would be what it is but if you are using the FFBNm then depending on your settings the telemetry would actually go higher than the Max force of the wheelbase but it would clip at whatever Max Force would be at in iRacing or the equivalent in RF2… which would yield slightly different calculated results on the adjusted curve.

I recently recalled tanking framerate behaviour also occurred with an AccuForce in The Crew (the first one). I have now reproduced the tanking framerate with the SimuCube 2 Pro with The Crew. As soon as you assign Left/Right steering wheel inputs the framerate goes from a locked 60 to 15-20 FPS and very unplayable.

Do you know if this was ever corrected? On my Simucube 1 (OSW) I had same issue with Crew 1, Crew 2 and now with Motorfest (first 2 I got bundled with nvidia card upgrades, motorfest only tested via beta/demo). Supposedly it worked in early days of Crew 1, but then a major update broke advanced wheel support and has never been addressed since from my knowledge. A workaround for this would be great if their studio can’t figure it out for their own game engine.