Simucube 2 True Drive driver error

Hi, i have the same issue.

I Installed vJoy and IRFFB to improve the ffb and the wheel stopped show in True Drive. It shows in windows as connected device as normally. And the wheel base has the blue light on the back. I paste the log when executed TD:

17:27:11.078: Opened style file
17:27:11.393: Warning: QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_wirelessbutton_clicked()
17:27:11.409: “C:/Users/vikto/OneDrive/Escritorio/Simucube_2_true_drive_v1.0.13/simucubeprofiles.ini”
17:27:11.412: “C:/Users/vikto/OneDrive/Escritorio/Simucube_2_true_drive_v1.0.13/profiles_autobackup.ini”
17:27:11.415: “C:/Users/vikto/OneDrive/Escritorio/Simucube_2_true_drive_v1.0.13/profiles_autobackup.ini”
17:27:11.437: loadIncludedFirmwareVersion: included 1.0.13
17:27:12.405: EULA previously accepted.
17:27:12.413: Disconnected state
17:27:12.419: unable to open device, pid: 3423
17:27:12.425: unable to open device, pid: 3424
17:27:12.430: unable to open device, pid: 3425
17:27:12.434: Could not connect to SC2
17:27:13.406: Disconnected state
17:27:13.413: unable to open device, pid: 3423
17:27:13.418: unable to open device, pid: 3424
17:27:13.423: unable to open device, pid: 3425
17:27:13.426: Could not connect to SC2
17:27:14.389: Disconnected state
17:27:14.396: unable to open device, pid: 3423
17:27:14.401: unable to open device, pid: 3424
17:27:14.406: unable to open device, pid: 3425
17:27:14.409: Could not connect to SC2
17:27:15.409: Disconnected state
17:27:15.417: unable to open device, pid: 3423
17:27:15.423: unable to open device, pid: 3424
17:27:15.429: unable to open device, pid: 3425
17:27:15.432: Could not connect to SC2

Tried to reconnect, disconnect, unistalled vjoy, restart pc etc etc but anything happens :frowning: some solution? thanks

it appears not to be the same issue, as it does not find any of the device ID’s. Maybe vjoy is interfering somehow.

Maybe. I uninstalled and eliminated all the extra files from vjoy but nothing happens. Dont really know what to do

the wheel works on other pc , laptop ?

Hi, sorry for the late response.

Finally I reinstalled Windows and it worked good. It must be some .reg file or something that was modified. It´s not fun to reinstall everything but it´s good to know that the wheel wasn´t the problem :slight_smile: